Introducing the EtherTulips Bridge

Ether Tulips
4 min readSep 4, 2021


We’re excited to announce that the EtherTulips Bridge is live and ready at! The EtherTulips Bridge can be used to move your tulips from the legacy contract to the upgraded contract, and from the upgraded contract back to the legacy contract. Only Gen 0 and Gen 1 tulips minted in 2018 are eligible for bridging: EtherValentines Roses can only stay on the legacy contract, and Gen 2021 tulips can only stay on the upgraded contract. For more information about how the upgraded contract and bridge came to be, please read our 2021 Update.

How to use the EtherTulips Bridge

At, there is a toggle allowing you to switch the bridging direction: legacy to upgraded, or upgraded to legacy.

If you are bridging a legacy contract tulip to the upgraded contract, you will see a grid of your legacy contract tulips on the page, and if you are bridging an upgraded contract tulip to the legacy contract, you will see a grid of your upgraded contract tulips on the page. Tulips ineligible for bridging will be greyed out.

Click a tulip to start bridging it.

Bridging is done in 2 steps: approval and bridge. The approval step allows the bridge contract to manage your tulip. When bridging from the legacy contract to the upgraded contract, every tulip needs to be approved individually, and when bridging from the upgraded contract to the legacy contract, you only need to approve the bridge contract once. This is because the setApprovalForAll functionality had not been added to the ERC721 draft yet when we deployed the legacy contract back in January 2018 (you may have noticed that listing tulips on sites like OpenSea has a similar requirement for the legacy contract).

When approving your legacy tulip to be bridged, MetaMask may ask you if you trust our site to manage your ETHT. ETHT is the symbol we chose in 2018 to mean ETHer Tulips, and is not the same thing as ETH for Ethereum! You are not granting any sort of permission to manage anything beyond your tulips.

After approval is sent, the final step is to bridge!

After your transaction is complete, you should see your tulip on the My Tulips page at (or if bridging to the legacy contract). You should also see your tulip in the correct collection on OpenSea, but it may take a few minutes for them to refresh their data.


Do I have to bridge my tulips?

Bridging a tulip from the legacy contract to the upgraded contract is completely optional, and can be done at any time.

Why should I bridge my legacy contract tulips?

The benefits of bridging legacy tulips over are that:

  1. The upgraded contract provides full ERC721 compliance, meaning that your tulips can be easily integrated into the NFT ecosystem for viewing, trading, or managing via third party tools
  2. Tulips on the upgraded contract can be planted in the coming EtherTulips Garden (which will be announced soon!)
  3. The upgraded contract has a fixed supply of 12345 total tulips, but EtherValentines roses on the legacy contract are infinitely mintable

How much does bridging cost?

We charge no fee to bridge a tulip in either direction, but as an Ethereum transaction, bridging costs gas. The bridging step involves 2 token transfers (one from source contract to the bridge, and one from the bridge to the destination contract), so you should expect it to take as much gas as transferring an NFT twice would take. If the gas fee suggested by MetaMask is too high, we suggest waiting for the Ethereum network to be less busy.

Why is my original tulip owned by 0x8d9e…04bf after bridging?

0x8d9ebd38442b681a253e5a1f7dc5721b269904bf is the address of the bridge contract. When you bridge a tulip from say the legacy contract to the upgraded contract, the bridge first transfers the legacy contract tulip from you to itself, and then transfers the upgraded contract tulip from itself to you. This mechanism ensures that there is only ever one copy of a particular tulip, and that your tulip is held safe in case you ever want to bridge back.

For more updates on EtherTulips, make sure to join our Discord and follow us on Twitter. And as always, Happy Farming!

- The EtherTulips Team 🌷

