Games and other DApps on EtherZero platform

6 min readFeb 6, 2018


EtherZero is a paradise-like smart contract platform for daily using DApp developers. EtherZero has all the dream features needed by DAPP developers: 0 TX fee, instant payments and high scalability(up to thousands of TPS). Made by Dapp developers, for Dapp developers.

Recently there are plenty of game companys and ICO projects are looking for cooperation opportunity with EtherZero platform. We welcome this kind of cooperation, however, EtherZero team do not endorse for these third party companys. So all ETZ fans need to be very careful if you decided to invest on them.

EtherZero team will have official Android and ios wallet Dapp in the near future, and also have the plan to release a great many of official games to attract more users on ETZ platform. Below is the plot of the first PET game we plan to develop:

“ Keep Pets — Pet task — Bring back income (drawings; game currency; tokens)

Mating with a pet which in the ranking list to get a new generation of pets — the pet on the ranking list get the tokens.

(offspring can’t mate with their immediate family members. The offspring are identified by who initiative start the mate. For example, if a 3rd generation cat will mate with a 1st generation cat on the list, the offspring will be 4th generations.

If you spend tokens to mate with pets on the ranking list, you are more likely to get rare pets.

(why your pet need to mating with those pets on the ranking list? It is because of the rank range, such as ordinary and elite mating, the highest birth interval is between ordinary and rare pets, but if the ordinary pets mating with extreme pets, the offspring’s rank rage would be common — extreme, so those have the best pet owner, more money will come to their wallet).

The game realizes its own pet ranking evaluation, after evaluation can determine whether to be on the list, after being on the list the owner can independently set the cost of tokens required for mating.

The user enters pet hunting ground costs gold coins, and can refresh the catchable pet after consumption of random time, you can catch the pets with ropes. The special pet hunting area, will use the bidding model every day, to determine X quota users which can enter and capture in it (the more glamorous appearance, or special appearance would be more likely to get the quota).

Gold coins: The number of Gold coins is countless in this game.

Props: Best pet raising drawings, increase N% probability of rare and beyond offspring (fixed number); rope; delayed pet life Pills (because the introduction of real time, and in order to control pets do not exist everywhere, so pets all have their own life cycle).

Tokens: fixed numbers, totaling X, of which N is sold through fundraising, and M of it are acquired through games. (The number of tokens will be increased in the game every year, according to the formula: The total number of active users in the first Y days of 12 days(A year in virtual )*A certain coefficient.

Pet system

Category: 15 kinds of common (cat, chicken, rabbit… ), 5 kinds of special (helldog, star cat… )

Genealogy: primary generation -2nd generation -3rd generation.

Life cycle: 3 years ~100 years

The five elements: gold — wood — water — Fire — soil

Constellations: 12 constellations

Rank: ordinary — Elite — Rare — King — Supreme

Character: timidity-bravery stubbornness — cheerful impulse — prudent rashness — caution docile — hubris shrewd — imprudent

Force value (impact task):1.0121457

Endurance (impact task):1.0525578

Loyalty value (impact task):0.7555555

Glamour value (impact on the result of task reward):1.4564778

Energy value (the prerequisite for all kinds of behavior in the game):10~100 point

Reproduction time value: once per reproduction, increase this time to cool

Monthly reproductive limit: 10~50

1. Fully synchronize the time system of the real world and truly integrate into the developed world.

The real world 1 hours = Virtual 1 days

The real world 24 hours = Virtual 1 months

The real world 12 days = Virtual 1 years

2. The task system with super high interest, the monetary value given by the tokens, reap the high yield.

To get gold coin through the task; use gold to buy “rope” and spend gold coin into the “pet hunting”; by mining in pet hunting ground (random time length), to refresh out the catchable pets, and then use the rope to catch. Catch failure will consume the rope *1, once successful captured or the number of rope is insufficient, will automatically exit the pet hunting ground.

To get tokens through tasks; since the game offers a limited number of output tokens, so once the number of tokens became lesser, the appreciation of the token value becomes higher.

To get the raising drawings through tasks; because the best pets in the game has profit space, therefore in the mating process, can increase the probability of obtaining rare pet raising drawings (these drawings’ number is fixed), the sellers can get tokens, while buyer may get the best pet, realize win-win for both sides.

3. complete ring of pet nurturance system, which can unlimitedly increase the competition and earnings among pets.

After caught the pets, check all kinds of elements, if you like it, then adopt it; if not, you can free or trade it.

After caught of the pet, can be mated with the same kind of pet on the ranking list. Mating will generate random offspring of different characteristics (such as rank, character, constellation, five elements, four-dimensional attributes, life cycle, etc.).

While having the best pet, you can choose the rank evaluation, once the evaluation score is good enough to be listed on the ranking list, you can set the mating price, and start to get high earnings.

The different characters the pet itself has will produce a variety of random effects on the number of tasks, the degree of completion, and incomes. Overall the better the pet is, the higher income will be obtained, which indirectly raised the best pet trading price.

4. a random hundred combinations of the task systems, let pet attributes have the space to play, pet’s own value can be quantified.

The number of tasks is large, and the complexity of random combination is high. A task example: Driven chicken thieves. If the pet which sent has a timid character, has a chance to fail; if the pet which sent has brave character, will succeed; or if the pet which sent has fire element, and reckless character , will have a chance to beat the thief maim, which would lead to less rewards (has to pay for medical expenses). Therefore, even the same task, the result may not be the same.

The task type bifurcation wide, and focus strongly on pet’s attributes. For example, task 1: search for herbs. If you send a pet with a low endurance value, the rate of speed will be very low. Task 2: Drive away the wild boar who steals vegetables. If you send a pet with a low force, the complete speed would also be very low. Or combinatorial task: search for herbs in water. If the pet sent belongs to water element in five elements and the endurance is high, the efficiency is super high.”

If you have any good advice on this game, you are welcome to comment on below. Or if you are a DApp developer yourself, you are also welcome to discuss your DApp development plan with us.

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Build daily using DAPPs with EtherZero Platform.0 TX fee, instant pay and high scaling of thousands of TPS.Made by Dapp developers, for Dapp developers.