【Official Announcement 】EtherZero Weekly News 2018.11.19–2018.11.25

3 min readNov 26, 2018


Technological progress

Test the new algorithm in the test environment and further optimize the algorithm (in progress)
Development and testing of a new algorithm forked upgrade solution (in progress)

Dynamically add tokens via the server interface (in progress)


On November 21st, EtherZero team was unveiled at the Russian Science and Technology Week and had a wonderful performance at the CryptoEvent RIW conference on the blockchain theme.

CryptoEvent RIW conference topics include trading, crowdfunding, blockchain technology development and mining. Harry Lee, technical director of the EtherZero Autonomous Community; Evgeny, head of the Russian community, and Mia, head of overseas marketing, all delivered speeches at the conference.

The next day, the EtherZero team went to another local event in Moscow, the Russian Internet Conference, and delivered a speech.

Community activity

On the evening of November 22nd, from 7:00 to 9:30, the technical director of EtherZero, Rolong, gave a lecture on “Deep Discussion on Ethereum Smart Contract Development” in the Shenzhen Blockchain Technology Workshop. Shenzhen Blockchain Technology Workshop is jointly sponsored by Denghuan College, Hiblock and Mavericks New Energy. It is the backbone of the training of blockchain technical talents in Shenzhen. EtherZero is one of the long-term sponsors.

This week, EtherZero opened the voting currency activity in bitrabbit. If the voting is successful, ETZ will launch the bitrabbit exchange in this month. At the same time, the rabbit-based community under the Rabbitbit Exchange opened a one-week ETZ mining activity, and users can get ETZs by posting, replying, and praising in the rabbit-based community.

Media Diffusion

On November 23, EtherZero reached a cooperation with the Russian blockchain game IZX. The IZX project party has released a partnership with EtherZero in its official Twitter, Facebook, Medium and other channels.

Get our info at:

Telegram @ETZ001

Promotion Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGeDEaMxFXY

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EtherZero-554760518194015/

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2607526.0

ETZ official telegram group: https://t.me/etz_official

Dapp group: https://t.me/joinchat/IEqeW0dly-Xk8jGQ_PWYag

Masternodes group: https://t.me/joinchat/IEqeW1BiuOo2PFVxeAgewA

EtherZero official website: https://www.etherzero.org

Block browser:https://etzscan.com/home

Twitter: https://twitter.com/etherzero_org

Github: https://github.com/etherzero

Wallet website: https://wallet.etherzero.org/





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