【Official Announcement 】EtherZero Weekly News 2018.6.18 -2018.6.24

5 min readJun 25, 2018


Technological progress


Masternode unit test code preparation

Masternode multi-node synchronization test

Masternode award distribution plan modification and improvement

Fix issues found in master node tests


OpenETZ code upgrade and optimization


Etherzero community management smart contract optimization and testing, modify vote proposal, sort on the chain, etc.

Etherzero community governance forum debugging

Project cooperation

  1. This week, EtherZero reached an agreement with Indacoin, a company that makes the process of purchasing cryptocurrencies online easy and they have a vast fanase. Indacoin was founded in London, UK, in 2013 where they also have their headquarter. Their unique feature is that they own a Fiat gateway, which means that users can use bankcards, like Visa and Mastercard, to purchase EtherZero and many other cryptocurrencies directly and without registration.

2. This week, EtherZero also reached cooperation with Iterion, a blockchain information security company in Russia. In the future, both parties will cooperate in system security analysis, network security, penetration testing and other fields. At the same time, as an established company with more than seven years of experience in information security management, Iterion can also provide comprehensive vulnerability investigations for projects based on the Ether Platform zero, thus improving project security.

3. This week, EtherZero project development department and the person in charge of strict Vote chain conducted business talks on the blockchain e-commerce project. The strict selection of the chain founder Zheng Zhiyue engaged in the green home electricity supplier industry, plans to introduce blockchain technology into the e-commerce industry. Currently, blockchain technology cannot fully meet e-commerce requirements in terms of efficiency and offline convergence, but it can be innovative in terms of voting on products, decentralized evaluation, transaction transparency, product traceability and Token incentives, attracting more Sellers settled in and buyers become loyal users. At the same time, the two parties reached a consensus: Blockchain e-commerce does not have all the data to be on the chain at present. It first puts some data on the chain and changes it based on satisfying the user’s experience. It changes the traditional business logic and allows individuals to get more benefits.

community activity

1. On June 20th, the third meeting of the “EtherZero Global Masternode Presentation Meeting” sponsored by the EtherZero Singapore Foundation was held in the beautiful seaside city of Xiamen. Mr. Pan Xingchuan, President of EtherZero Commercial Research Institute, Mr. Xu Wei, Chief Technical Engineer of EtherZero Community, and Mr. Xu Jianzhong, an Elective Special Guest of EtherZero, attended the meeting.

In addition to the introduction of the EtherZero master node, the meeting also joined the ECO Zero Ecological Report for the first time. Through this report, all participants learned more about the status quo and future development of the ECO zero ecological construction. At the same time, we also conducted a live broadcast of the conference. The total number of viewings reached 250,000.

2. EtherZero unveiled the 9th St. Petersburg Large Blockchain General Exposition. The conference is one of the major local annual Sino-Russian trade activities. The focus of the conference is to discuss the development and future of the blockchain industry. Evgeny, head of the EtherZero -European Russian community, detailed the advantages of EtherZero as a new generation of smart contract development platform at the blockchain expo roadshow in St. Petersburg and became the focus of the event.

Press Promotion

  1. This week, the digital option DAPP BlockOptions successfully launched the airdrop campaign on the EtherZero network. The number of telegram group fans has exceeded 300.000. The BO currency is being gradually issued to the user’s GoETZ wallet. Users who have not yet received the BO currency are requested to wait patiently. The airdrop activity brought a large number of wallet users to the EtherZero chain, and the results were significant.

2. The lucky draw of ETZ-pets game is still in progress. Forwarding and sharing invitation link to your Moments”more than 5 friends can get a beast pet. The ETZ-pets game is officially expected to be online at the end of June, so stay tuned.

EtherZero Hiring

Recruitment of Russian Operations Specialist

a. Proficient in Russian;

b. Proficient but not limited to overseas social media platforms such as facebook, BitcoinTalk, twitter, and medium;

c. Abundant overseas promotion and offline event planning and execution experience;

In particular, if you believe that you love the blockchain, you will soon be in the bowl and you will be sent to you;

Dapp Developer Recruitment

Responsible for DAPP development (such as pet games), familiar with the use of solidity to write smart contracts, master Java, C + +, Go, Node.js, Python and other mainstream blockchain system development languages ​​at least two.

Please refer to the resume: support@etherzero.org or 505662021@qq.com.

Get our info at:

Promotion Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGeDEaMxFXY

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EtherZero-554760518194015/

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2607526.0

ETZ official telegram group: https://t.me/etz_official

Mining group: https://t.me/joinchat/IEqeW1AEcs0lC4RAiQunzg

Dapp group: https://t.me/joinchat/IEqeW0dly-Xk8jGQ_PWYag

Masternodes group: https://t.me/joinchat/IEqeW1BiuOo2PFVxeAgewA

EtherZero official website: https://www.etherzero.org

Block browser:http://explorer.etherzero.org

Twitter: https://twitter.com/etherzero_org

Github: https://github.com/etherzero

Wallet website: http://openetz.org





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