The first “EtherZero Global MasterNode Introduction Meeting” was successfully held in Nanning

4 min readJun 5, 2018


On June 2nd, the “EtherZero Global MasterNode Introduction Meeting” sponsored by the “EtherZero Singapore Foundation” was successfully held in Nanning. Affected by this, the price of ETZ rose 30%, up to $0.65.

The Nanning Conference is the first stop for the introduction of the EtherZero Global MasterNode. The meeting was hosted by the EtherZero China Community and co-organized by the Nanning Home of Coin holders. It aims to strengthen the interaction with the EtherZero Nanning community and warm up the upcoming MasterNode. EtherZero Institute of Commercial Affairs Chairman Pan Xingchuan, Chief Technical Engineer Mino, Chinese Community Co-founder Zeng Sheng, Nanning Community Co-Founder ZhuZi, and Nanning Community Manager LuGuo were present at the meeting.

The conference attracted hundreds of participants, including the EtherZero Nanning community fans, local business owners, blockchain enthusiasts and investors.

At the meeting, Mr Pan Xingchuan, President of the EtherZero Business Research Institute explained the economic value of the blockchain and the development potential of the EtherZero from various angles.

When it comes to speculation, Pan believes that the blockchain from the beginning to the final “winning” is a long process. In this process, the most important thing is to hold money, that is, to do long-term.

In the current blockchain competition track, the prospect of basic public chains is very large. EtherZero is a new-generation technology public chain and is confident that it is better able to stand out from the public-chain competition. Pan also revealed that currently the EtherZero Group’s development of reserved ETZ coins has opened a lock-up period of three years to enhance the confidence of the community and investors.

The Chief Technical Engineer Mino of EtherZero Community made a report on the MaterNode at the meeting. The technical feasibility and economic value of the MaterNode were explained to the audience.

In 2018, the node campaign boom engulfed the global blockchain industry. The public chain successively launched node campaigns. EtherZero is the technical chain of the 3.0 era of Blockchain, and it does not blindly follow the trend to carry out node elections. In the triangular relationship of efficiency, safety and fairness, EtherZero has chosen to continue to balance relations.

On the basis of community consensus, choose the working mechanism of pos+pow. It also introduced the MasterNode system. With the admission mechanism as the MasterNode’s setting standard, it only needs to hold 20,000 ETZ coins plus a low-cost cloud server to become the MasterNode of the EtherZero and participate in the work of the EtherZero chain mechanism.

According to Mino, about 5.6 million ETZ coin awards produced annually by EtherZero are rewarded to the MasterNode in recognition of the contribution made by the MasterNode in the operation of the public chain. 5.6 million ETZ coins, according to the current market price, its economic value will reach tens of millions, and there is still a lot of room for growth.

In the group discussions, the audience rushed to ask questions and the scene was warm. According to different needs, the discussion of EtherZero is divided into three discussion groups: MasterNodes, business plans, and technical developments, to provide detailed answers to questions from the audience. Among them, the discussion group of the MasterNode has been highly favored by the audience. Around the business value and ecological value, it has held fierce discussions with the EtherZero team.

The first MasterNode briefing was successfully concluded after the group discussion. Through this briefing, the sentiments of the Nanning community were enhanced, and more audiences were given a deeper understanding of the application of EtherZero and the MasterNode. After the meeting, many visitors expressed their strong interest in the EtherZero MasterNode and expressed that they would continue to support the development of EtherZero and the construction of the global MasterNode.

ETZ has been listed on more exchanges: Cryptopia, coin918, digfinex and so on.

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