I Asked ChatGPT If It Believes In God: Here’s What I Found

The beliefs behind the machine…

4 min readNov 22, 2023

Do you believe in God?

This question is as old as time itself. It has puzzled philosophers, scientists, and normal people like you and I for as long as anyone can remember.

Everyone thinks they have the answer (well, apart from the agnostics), with over 60% of the world’s population standing steadfast in the belief that a higher power exists.

So you would think that OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which has been trained on reams of data supplied by all corners of human civilisation, would have a predominantly religious persuasion, right?

Having already turned ChatGPT into a philosopher in various previous articles, I posed it that very question.

Let’s find out what it had to say.

1. AtheistGPT




Modern problems. Age-old solutions. // Philosophy student at the University of Oxford // Budding writer on all things philosophy, technology, and culture