How to verify your LNK balance

The Silverlink Update Network
2 min readJul 25, 2017


Whether if you have Tokens from the Initial Coin Offering or you acquired them from an exchange; you can always check your balance easily without opening your wallet, to check it, please follow the next steps:

Open the next URL in your browser:

Select function number 4: ‘balanceOf’

Enter your ETH address in the field ‘owner (address) and press query, it will display your balance followed by 18 decimal places.

Some ETH wallets may not display your LNK token balance because they doesn’t support ERC20 Tokens but that doesn’t mean your Tokens are not there, this function verifies your real balance regardless of the wallet you are using.

If the function is displaying a balance and your wallet isn’t, then you need to import your wallet private key into a compatible wallet like as the following guide shows:

Another recommended way is to download Metamask Chrome Extension:

Then click in Menu — Import Account — Enter your private key from old wallet and then enter to this online wallet to verify your balance:

Weipoint will not make another wallet/address, it’ll use the same address you imported into metamask but it will enable an easier interface among other extra features like sending transactions into ENS domains.



The Silverlink Update Network

A network to provide constant progress related to our developed software.