Link Platform Beta Version is Live

The Silverlink Update Network
2 min readDec 22, 2017


Dear Link Community,

Link Platform of course will fill a space to trade digital silver without any intermediary, this can be the start of a huge opportunity where several digital products can be adapted for a decentralized trading, a practical idea that has open door in a market where billions are moved everyday, Link Platform wants to provide a next generation trading platform to fill this need.

As we promised yesterday, today we have launched a Beta version of LNKS Silver Vault Ethereum Smart Contract System, the code is a stable version that is public at our Github.


To use this platform you need Metamask Extension:

Create a new account and set it to listen at Rinkeby network by clicking the top left arrow and selecting Rinkeby Test Network .

Get some Rinkeby Ether using one of your social networks in the next link:

When you trigger a new order you will have to wait until the order is approved by one of our curators and then you will receive the newly minted Tokens, each order will increase Token Total supply overtime and due to this: total Token supply will not be fixed but variable overtime.


  • Market Info

Show market stats, Total of tokens in circulation, current Silver Reserves held in vault and certificates browser.

  • Exchange info

Displays details and specifications about trades such as fees for Buying and Redeeming Tokens.

  • Recent Transactions

Show history of trades from the entire platform specifiying either if it was Buy-Direct or Redeeming.


  • Buy Direct

Direct buy provides ability to get newly minted Tokens with a live exchange rate of Silver/Eth, once your order is approved the Tokens will automatically be displayed in your account.

  • Redeem Tokens

Redeeming Tokens allows the user to receive its physical silver counterpart instead of ETH or another crypto-currency.

Please send your feedback and report bugs to our email ( or use ‘report issue’ inside our github account.

This deployment will keep being optimized and updated continuously.

You can access it with this URL:

Link Team




The Silverlink Update Network

A network to provide constant progress related to our developed software.