Link Platform Weekly Update — April 06–2018

The Silverlink Update Network
2 min readApr 7, 2018


Dear Link Community,

We suffered an important delay in the Main Net launch on March 10th due to extra development that took place on the account system and KYC part of the platform, we’ve been working on this development up to this date, this function is now almost completed and ready to be deployed before launch of KYC Whitelisting.

For the ones that still do know what is Silverlink building here is an brief explanation from Link Platform CEO Daniel Mendoza:

Link Platform is focused on providing an outstanding medium of exchange totally backed by real silver being held in a secure vault at a safe location, this medium of exchange is being built on Ethereum platform providing security, decentralization, and speed never seen before.

With Silverlink platform, you can send and receive real 0.999 silver in a matter of seconds without any middleman at the lowest price in the market.

Unlike CFDs you can redeem at any time your silver backed Tokens for physical silver, and an advantage over traditional silver is that with Silverlink you can sell it back to Ethereum almost instantly without getting out of your home or office.

We are now on time to present the when the platform is going live.

Dates of Launch:

KYC Whitelisting Starts on April 16

Token Minting Starts on April 21

Telegram Channel

For growth and migration of our community from Slack we’ve opened a Telegram channel that will work together with our Rocket Chat, you can ask us any question here, join it via the following link:

Repositories updated:

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The Silverlink Update Network

A network to provide constant progress related to our developed software.