Welcome to Etho Rich 2.0!

Why 2.0? Okay hear this…

2 min readOct 25, 2022


125 Days ago Etho Rich Token was made. After watching the liquidity get locked and the contract renounced, the website seem to have been telling the truth. “LETS BECOME RICH BY HOLDING ETHO-RICH”

Little did us investors realize, but the real Jeets were the Devs and the team. Every time a wave of buys came in, it was followed by silence in the chat from the Devs, and a dump on the chart.. Then the Devs start talking again hyping up the TG chat to encourage buyers to “ape the dip”… Followed by more sells..

After some panic, and some etherscan research by the telegram community we found that the Devs never intended for this project to go anywhere because they were selling for lousy profits. As a result, the community bailed and once again, another dead token..

Why did we make Etho Rich 2.0?

Because we have thought about it, and want the previous Dev to burn when he tunes back in to see Etho Rich 2.0 skyrocketing and trending on Dextools.. We want to show him how to launch a real token.. with UTILITY!


We are already working on V2 of our website. Well, V1 of our website because as some of you might know, this current one is his old one and we did that for the extra burn factor!

We are creating a Web3 platform which will allow Etho Rich 2.0 holdersto stake there $RICH tokens paired with ETH, and as a reward you will receive $CASH token.

$CASH Money

$CASH Money is our secondary token which can be earnt by staking $RICH tokens or can be purchased by using ETH. $CASH tokens will be used to purchase tickets into the $CASH Raffle. The tickets will cost 1 $CASH token each and all $CASH will go into a vault until a winner is drawn every 12hours.

$CASH Money token supply is only 100,000. This means at 100k MC the raffle tickets will cost $1 each. At the $1m MC they will be $10 each. The pool size will depend on the amount of tickets sold in that 12hr period.

Thanks for reading!
Stay tuned!


