Ethorse project update — April 23, 2018

3 min readApr 23, 2018


We are glad to announce that the Ethorse dApp has been running successfully on Mainnet since the release last week ( We are extremely happy with the flawless launch of the dApp on Ethereum Mainnet just as planned without any security or fund management issues. So far about 200 ETH has been wagered on the platform. The dev team has seeded the betting pool with about 50 ETH so far by placing a bet on multiple races. We appreciate the trust our users have on our platform with their Ether. Takeouts are being collected successfully from the races and can be monitored here.

Our development team has been addressing a lot of support requests and technical questions from users since the Mainnet launch. Though there have been some lags associated with the blockchain, we will continue to explore solutions to further smoothen user experience. However, we ask users to understand that a decentralized application running mostly on the Ethereum Blockchain will not at least in the near future match the user experience from centralized web applications. We are closely monitoring the usage and collecting feedback from the users. We have been noticing a strong demand for more races. To accommodate this, we have added two more 1 hr races. Now, there will be a new 1 hr race every four hours, with a reduced betting period of 4 hours. As we are less than a week old on Mainnet, this is just the beginning. We will be adding several races to the platform to make it entertaining to the users 24x7.

We have received some great ideas on improving the dApp. We are actively looking into these suggestions. It is not common to see such a large group of active community members providing constructive feedback to improve and contribute to the success of a project. We are very pleased by this and value this very much as we have always done. This is one of the key strengths of the project that none of our competitors will ever have.

As our community grows, important feedback or questions can get lost in the chat channels among many general messages. We request users to post them on our Reddit for open community discussions and better organization since it is curated.

As we improve the dApp and achieve a product-market fit over the next few weeks/months, we will run extensive marketing campaigns across multiple channels. Meanwhile, share your wins on social media and feel free to ask your crypto friends to try the dApp. Make those TA artists and Trade signal/call gurus accountable. We know that the market potential for the Ethorse dApp is huge based on the success of industry peers like SatoshiDICE and Bitmex, who block US residents yet see billions ($) in revenue. We will continue to work on all required measures, just like how we have done since the crowdsale and will not rest until we get there.




A decentralized application for the Parimutuel gaming on the price of Cryptocurrencies