Ethorse Project Update — October 3, 2018

Announcing the Ethorse-My Little Ethorse Integration and the Ethorse Player Rewards System

4 min readOct 3, 2018

A few weeks ago, we announced the launch of the Ethorse Ecosystem, which is designed to build a group of DApps, products services and other solutions that add value to the Ethorse DApp and HORSE token holders.

Today, we are pleased to announce the first Ethorse Ecosystem DApp: My Little Ethorse (MLE). MLE will become a central part of the Ethorse playing experience. This integration also marks a significant change to player incentives, providing them with the opportunity to earn more from playing Ethorse

The Basics: Ethorse-MLE Player Rewards System


  1. Beginning in November 2018 players who own a special ERC-721 token developed by MLE called a “Rewards HRSY” will be able to earn rewards (in the form of HORSE) with every race they win

2. Players can access Rewards HRSY tokens by:

  • Winning Ethorse Races: Each race players win will generate a “Basic HRSY” that can be claimed on MLE
  • Burning Basic HRSYs for HXP: Basic HRSYs can be burned for “HRSY Experience Points” (HXP), a new in-game currency developed by MLE
  • Meeting the Upgrade Requirement: Players will need to spend a certain amount of HXP to convert Basic HRSYs into Rewards HRSYs (details about the amount of HXP required for conversion will be announced soon)

Rewards HRSY owners will automatically earn a set amount of HORSE each time they win an Ethorse race.

(Players can also upgrade Rewards HRSYs — using HXP — to earn additional HORSE rewards.)

In addition, MLE is creating a decentralized market where players can:

  • Spend HORSE to purchase HXP (allowing them to upgrade faster)
  • Trade Rewards HRSYs (in exchange for HORSE) — see below
  • Purchase HORSE tokens (to use on MLE, trade for HXP, trade Rewards HRSYs, etc.)

Benefits of the MLE market include:

  • Upgrade Faster: Players wishing to accelerate their earning potential can use HORSE to purchase HXP on the market and generate Rewards HRSYs more quickly
  • Players Will Have Additional Earning Opportunities: Ethorse players who have completed the upgrade process to generate Rewards HRSYs will be able to earn additional HORSE revenue by selling their Rewards HRSYs to other community members on the MLE market
  • Community Members Can Earn Passive HORSE Income: Those purchasing Rewards HRSYs from other players will earn HORSE each time the original seller wins an Ethorse race (controls will be put in place to ensure sellers fulfill their playing obligations to buyers)
  • Access HORSE Easily: The cryptocurrency of the MLE market will be HORSE and transaction fees associated with many activities (claiming/converting HRSYs, etc.) will be paid with HORSE; players will be able to purchase the required HORSE easily via the market

Important: Players don’t have to wait until November to begin earning Basic HRSYs:

  • Previous Wins Will Be Counted: MLE has been tracking Ethorse activity since the launch of the DApp and players who have won races previously will be able to claim Basic HRSYs at launch
  • Players Can Earn Bonus HXP By Winning Ethorse Between Today and Launch: Players who win Ethorse between today (October 3) and launch (November 2018) will receive special Basic HRSYs that can be burned for bonus HXP with each race victory; this will enable active players to create Rewards HRSYs faster

MLE to Also Deliver a 3D Race Viewer, Multi-language Betting and Other Features

In addition to helping to facilitate the new Ethorse player rewards system, MLE will:

  • Deliver a 3D race viewer that will make the race viewing experience more dynamic (a link to the race viewer will be incorporated into the Ethorse DApp)
  • Integrate with the Ethorse DApp so those viewing races on MLE can place bets seamlessly (and in multiple languages, including Chinese)

We hope that you are excited as we are about the new Ethorse-MLE integration and the benefits (and additional earning opportunities) it will deliver to our player community.

It’s worth repeating that this is system introduces a significant change in how players are incentivized to play the Ethorse DApp.

In addition to winning races to earn ETH, players will also be working to upgrade Basic HRSYs into Rewards HRSYs that can earn them additional revenue (in the form of HORSE). Community members who purchase Rewards HRSYs from players can also earn a passive HORSE income each time sellers win Ethorse races.

Below is an infographic outlining the Ethorse-MLE integration roadmap.

Next Rewards Period

The next Ethorse Rewards phase will begin on October 17.

Please withdraw your HORSE tokens from the exchanges to YOUR eligible wallet to claim rewards.

Visit for additional details and instructions.




A decentralized application for the Parimutuel gaming on the price of Cryptocurrencies