Referral Bonanza powered by Blockchain

Referral Bonanza
4 min readJun 5, 2018


The Traditional Multilevel Ponzi scheme now on the blockchain.

Referral Bonanza is a completely new concept in the blockchain gaming arena where the entire gameplay pivots around referring people to the game and earn ethers for every referral (direct and indirect referrals upto 4 levels).

The game is pretty similar to any other multi-level pyramid scheme but instead of selling any virtual product, it works on selling the referrals itself. You just need to follow two simple steps and you can see an exponential growth in your earnings very soon.

How it works!

Playing at Referral Bonanza is divided into 2 steps:

  1. Buy Invites which allows you to refer people.
    Buy Invites a.k.a. Invite tokens and start referring people to the game and build your Referrals Network. The more people you refer, the more money you get from your direct referrals. Also every time your direct referrals refer someone, you get a cut from that too. This chain continues for up to 4 levels towards contribution in your earnings.
    However, you can’t blindly refer as many people as you want. 1 Invite can get you only one referral. So to refer 10 people, you need to buy 10 Invites.
  2. Refer your friends and earn ethers from every purchase they make.
    Purchasing Invites will be done frequently and continuously by the people. Every time you make a purchase, your referee and others up the tree get their cuts. Similarly, when anyone in your referral network (up to 4 levels) makes a purchase, you receive a cut too. The cut that you earn for every purchase is as follows:
  • Direct Level 1 Referral (L1) — You earn 40% ETH of all their purchases.
  • Indirect Level 2 Referral (L2) — You earn 25% ETH of all their purchases
  • Indirect Level 3 Referral (L3) — You earn 15% ETH of all their purchases
  • Indirect Level 4 Referral (L4) — You earn 10% ETH of all their purchases

Here is how the dashboard of the game looks like where you can see the total tokens in possession, the total number of Users Referred, your earning and your User Level.

You can also have a look at your referral tree where you can easily see all the users who contributed in your earnings. It will look like the following

How many people a user can refer?

The game doesn’t have any limit, so the question really comes back to your capability. The more you refer, the higher your earnings will be as your referrals will refer more people and the cycle goes on. The only condition is that all referrals must be new people.
So, You can have unlimited L1, L2, L3 and L4 referrals but the maximum depth of referral is L4.

How many ethers can I earn in this game?

Ah! The real question. Isn’t this is why we all are here investing in blockchain gaming?
Just a sneak, To Refer 10 people, every user will need to buy 10 Invites. For the sake of simplicity, lets assume the 10 tokens cost $50.

Now the purchase chart for every level will look something like this

  • You bought 10 tokens for $50 and referred 10 people.
  • Each of your direct referrals referred 10 people so total level-2 users joining under you are 100 (Level-2 referrals).
  • Each of your level-2 referrals referred 10 people so total level-3 users joining under you are 1000 (Level-3 referrals).
  • Each of your level-3 referrals referred 10 people so total level-4 users joining under you are 10000 (Level-4 referrals).

So if we go by this example where people are just referring 10 new users, you will get a return of $58,950 on investment of $50 that’s approximately 1200 times of what you invested.

To learn more, Checkout our Tutorial Section.

The sooner you join, the better you are going to be, so what are you waiting for? Start playing now @ Referral Bonanza.



Referral Bonanza

Build your Referrals Network and earn ethers with ease.