Update on ETH.TOWN Beta Release Timing

3 min readApr 17, 2018


Dear ETH.TOWN community,

As we wrote earlier, we had to adjust the feature set of the initial release of the game based on the early feedback. Also, seeing how many people purchased Heroes during the presale, leaving heroes functionality completely out of it was not an option anymore. This resulted in scrapping the Alpha milestone and replacing it with Beta, and uncertainty in dates for the Beta release caused by the sudden scope extension. Now we are glad to announce that the uncertainty has been overcome, and we have the plan.

What is the Beta?

The Beta won’t be something in a sandbox environment, it will be the game playable on the Ethereum Main Network and using final production versions of smart contracts. This means that the game will take into account everything acquired during the presale, and all progress made in the Beta will be preserved.

Access to the Beta will be limited to selected players of those who applied using the form on the website. If you’d like to participate but didn’t apply, it’s not too late yet.

We will try to make playing and progressing in the Beta slower, so that those who have access to it don’t get too much of advantage over the rest.

We will be updating the game while it’s in Beta, but certain features won’t be deployed or unlocked until the global launch, also for the sake of the balance.

What’s in?

The Beta release will include:

  • Naturally, the Crypto Tower and real-estate trading core functionality. With artificially introduced limitations for balance: many floors shown but locked, longer waiting times.
  • Heroes as ERC-721 tokens, hero management, hero skills and bonuses affecting the Crypto Tower game and mini-games. This is a big piece that wasn’t planned in Alpha but now is in Beta.
  • Updated Cauldrons mini-game and 2 new mini-games. As promised, not lotteries, not betting, and not dice. It will be games where you need heroes to play, and where heroes do the work. These are the other big pieces that was planned post-launch, but moved into Beta replacing a simpler mini-game.
  • Achievements, achievement collections.
  • Full ETIT holder interface, ability to view and withdraw earned Ether.
  • Ability to play with or without MetaMask.

The initial Beta release won’t include the dice mini-game (the other mini-games replaced it), but it will likely be added while we are in Beta.

The Beta won’t include and we intentionally will not enable this functionality until the global launch:

  • Hero merging/level-up
  • New hero acquisition (auctions)

The Schedule

Now that we have the scope defined and tasks re-assigned, we have the updated schedule defined.

This week

After the last presale auction is over, we will deploy the final ERC-721 ETH.TOWN Hero Token contract and create tokens for all the Heroes sold during the pre-sale. Owners of the tokens will be able to see them in their wallets supporting the standard.

To thank you for your patience we will be giving away 7 new genes that will be randomly distributed among characters bought during the pre-sale. The genes will provide advantages when leveling up (faster, higher twin probability, etc.) and playing mini-games (reduced damage, increased crits). On average, every third character will have at least one.

Once it’s complete, you will find your characters displayed on the website with their genes. If you got a customized character, it will appear with the custom look, just as it will appear in the game!

Next week

Draw for the dice gene. 3 lucky participants of the draw will get the ultra-rare dice gene. The 4th owner of the gene is Satoshi Star Hero.

The draw will be arranged in the most transparent way possible (even we won’t know who gets them until a certain block is mined). We’ll keep you updated on that.

Second week of May or earlier

Beta release!

Thank you for being patient with our priority shifts and schedule changes! We are doing our best to deliver the coolest game possible.


Website: https://eth.town/
Blog: https://medium.com/@ethtown
Btt Ann: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3062760
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Discord: https://discord.gg/vzZjpFV

