Play databases with Adminer and Docker

Etienne Rouzeaud
4 min readFeb 14, 2018


When you use Docker with a database you need a client to operate on it. A simple and clean solution is to install a client in a Docker container. With that, no need to install anything on your computer besides Docker. Many clients exists, like PHPMyAdmin, but we want one that can connect to different database, not just MySQL/MariaDB.
Adminer seems a good choice.

The prerequisites for this article is to have Docker and Docker Compose installed.

$ docker version && docker-compose version

Versions used in this article :

  • Docker : 17.12.0-ce ;
  • Docker Compose : 1.17.0 ;
  • Adminer : 4.5.0 ;
  • Postgres : 10 ;
  • MySQL : 8.0.3 ;
  • MongoDB : 3.6.2

Install Adminer

Create a file “docker-compose.yml” in your project directory.

version: '3.1'   services:       adminer:           image: dockette/adminer:full-php5           restart: always           ports:              - 8080:8080

Some explanations :

  • “dockette/adminer:full-php5” is an unofficial image working with PHP 5 instead of PHP 7 ;
  • “restart” the container will be restart each time when the Docker service will be up ;
  • “8080” on the left side is the external port. If this port is already using you should change it ;
  • “8080” on the right side is the internal port. Please don’t change !

Why don’t we use the official Adminer image ? You can use it, but it will not works with Mongo and PHP7.


The following drivers are not supported by this image:

MongoDB (The driver is not supported by PHP 7)

You can run this container with the command

$ docker-compose up

(make sure your are in the same root of the “docker-compose.yml”). If the container is up, you can connect to http://localhost:8080.

Working but we don’t have database server yet.


Prepare the server

In the same file (in the “services” column).

dbPostgres:    image: postgres:10    restart: always    ports:        - 5432:5432    environment:        POSTGRES_USER: root        POSTGRES_PASSWORD: changeme        POSTGRES_DB: mydb

Some explanations :

  • “postgres:10” is the official image of the 10 version ;
  • “restart: always” means restart the service each time the Docker daemon is restarted ;
  • “5432” (on the left side) is the external port. If this port is already using you should change it ;
  • “5432” (on the right side) is the internal port. Please don’t change it!
  • “POSTGRES_USER” is the login ;
  • “POSTGRES_PASSWORD” is the password ;
  • “POSTGRES_DB” is the name of the database.

If the Adminer container is still running, stop it with CTRL-C and then run

$ docker-compose up

Connection with Adminer and Postgres

Go back in Adminer (http://localhost:8080). Then complete the form :

  • “System” : select “PostgresSQL” ;
  • “Server” : type “dbPostgres” ;
  • “Username” : type “root” ;
  • “Password” : type “changeme” ;
  • “Database” : type “mydb” ;
  • Click “login” button.


Prepare the server

In the same file (in the “services” column).

dbMysql:    image: mysql:8.0.3    restart: always    environment:        MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: changeme        MYSQL_DATABASE: mydb

Some explanations :

  • “mysql:8.0.3” is the official image of the 8.0.3 version (or “mariadb” in you want to use MariaDB) ;
  • “restart: always” means restart the service each time the Docker daemon is restarted ;
  • “3306” (on the left side) is the external port. If this port is already using you should change it ;
  • “3306” (on the right side) is the internal port. Please don’t change it!
  • “MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD” is the password ;
  • “MYSQL_DATABASE” is the name of the database.

With MySQL you can choose a simple user with `MYSQL_USER` and`MYSQL_PASSWORD`.

If the Adminer container is still running, stop it with CTRL-C and then run

$ docker-compose up

Connection with Adminer and MySQL

Go back in Adminer (http://localhost:8080). Then complete the form :

  • “System” : select “MySQL” ;
  • “Server” : type “dbMysql” ;
  • “Username” : type “root” ;
  • “Password” : type “changeme” ;
  • “Database” : type “mydb” ;
  • Click “login” button.


In the same file (in the “services” column).

dbMongo:    image: mongo:3.6.2    restart: always    ports:        - 27017:27017    environment:        MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME: root        MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD: changeme

Some explanations :

  • “mongo:3.6.2” is the official image of the 3.6.2 version ;
  • “restart: always” means restart the service each time the Docker daemon is restarted ;
  • “27017” (on the left side) is the external port. If this port is already using you should change it ;
  • “27017” (on the right side) is the internal port. Please don’t change it!
  • “MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME” : is the login ;
  • “MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD” is the password root.

If the Adminer container is still running, stop it with CTRL-C and then run

$ docker-compose up

Connection with Adminer and MongoDB

Go back in Adminer (http://localhost:8080). Then complete the form :

  • “System” : select “Mongo” ;
  • “Server” : type “dbMongo” ;
  • “Username” : type “root” ;
  • “Password” : type “changeme” ;
  • “Database” : leave empty ;
  • Click “login” button.

Global file

version: '3.1'    services:        adminer:            image: dockette/adminer:full-php5            restart: always            ports:                - 8080:8080        dbPostgres:            image: postgres:10            restart: always            ports:                - 5432:5432            environment:                POSTGRES_USER: root                POSTGRES_PASSWORD: changeme                POSTGRES_DB: mydb
image: mysql:8.0.3 restart: always ports: - 3306:3306 environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: changeme MYSQL_DATABASE: mydb dbMongo: image: mongo:3.6.2 restart: always ports: - 27017:27017 environment: MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME: root MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD: changeme




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