8 Reasons To Create Business Applications & Digital Marketplaces with Symfony PHP Framework

Eton Digital Blog
6 min readNov 6, 2019


How can one best describe the advantages of the Symfony PHP framework?

It is said that music has a lot in common with business web applications development, so let’s make a comparison.

Working in the Symfony PHP framework can be compared with the way an orchestra starts and spreads the perfect melody of a played symphony.

Every musician, its instrument and every tone need to be in its place so the melody can sound perfectly.

The same goes for web application development.

Each part has to work perfectly in order to respond to the users’ needs.

In an attempt to achieve such a product, you need to choose a reliable development framework.

The chosen framework does not only have to simplify the developer’s working process but also to secure a faster, stable and flexible environment in which an application or marketplace can be easily scaled and improved.

That is the reason why the Symfony PHP framework is one of the world’s most popular development frameworks together with Laravel and CodeIgniter.

Since its release in 2005, Symfony has become one of the most respectable PHP frameworks and Symfony 4 is today’s fastest framework.

For many companies, institutions, and brands, the Symfony PHP framework is the first choice when it comes to creating social and business web applications, digital marketplaces, social marketplaces or complex business platforms, and a la carte education marketplace.

What are the advantages of using the Symfony PHP framework for web application development?

#1 Symfony is a feature-rich PHP framework

Symfony is made of components and bundles that offer different functionalities to the framework in which a developer can reuse and share with the community.

What does this mean for your business?

It means that if you choose to develop business web applications you can get a well-implemented feature such as a blog, shopping cart, administrator panel, messaging, and commenting, to name a few.

Furthermore, the biggest advantage of using and reusing bundles is that you can reduce the overall development time and costs.

Equally important are the Symfony components. They are generic features such as form handling, data validation, user access privilege, and security management that have a role in reducing the number of routine tasks that allow developers to focus on specific ones.

This means that businesses can save money, have a working product faster and have time to improve the product focusing on implementing other important functions.

#2 Symfony PHP framework for high performance & optimization of applications and marketplaces

Why is this important for the development of your web app?

Fast and high-performance applications are today’s market demands, thus developers need to work with a flexible and adaptable framework.

Symfony offers both. It can provide a fast-paced development along with the ability to scale the application to specific needs in order to achieve better performance. Compared to other frameworks, Symfony uses less memory, therefore, higher performance can be achieved.

#3 The PHP framework that enables easy unit and functional testing

Unit testing is a software testing method by which individual units of source code are tested to determine whether they are fit for use. Within, issues can be found at an early stage, so you’ll save the overall costs after development as well.

Why should you choose to build a social network with the Symfony PHP framework?

Symfony uses PHPUnit independent library what makes unit testing much easier.

In the end, the Symfony PHP framework works to reduce the developer’s routine, hence the automation of functional testing.

#4 A Stable PHP framework that has long-term support for your business web applications

Regular updates along with a well-tested framework are certain advantages that come with Symfony.

If you choose Symfony for your web app or digital marketplaces, you can count on regular updates.

The community keeps the most recent version long-term compatible with the newer releases, up to 3 years for some of the versions.

How does the support work?

All developers who use Symfony PHP can rely on the support for a period of 3 years. When it comes to security-related issues, you can be provided with lifetime support.

#5 Symfony PHP has a large community that helps any time

Along with the support and stability comes a large and dedicated community. The community is the key element that makes the survivability of any framework.

In the case of Symfony, there are more than 2000 contributors. According to their official website, 1734 contributors give their best through the Github.

Still, this number is several times bigger than what other PHP frameworks communities have.

Why is the Symfony community good for you?

Symfony is an open-source technology which means that PHP experts and enthusiasts from all over the world take part in upgrading and developing the framework.

From solving issues to helping each other, in Symfony’s community people create, cooperate and share ideas all in order to make the coding experience better for everyone.

#6 The PHP framework with clearly written and well-structured documentation

Massive, incomplete or outdated documentation comes as a problem of many technologies.

Symfony documentation is considered one of the best, well-structured, and clearly written with enough examples and updates.

Each document offers an explanation of every component and the development process as a whole.

The advantage? It won’t be any delay in starting the development that massive documents often provoke.

#7 Symfony PHP framework offers a functional development environment that brings a certain satisfaction

There is thinking among Symfony fans that this framework brings the desired level of joy and comfort to developers.


Instead of focusing on minor functionalities, this framework encourages developers to focus more on the core functional features of an application.

Surely such enthusiasm can increase productivity and developers can work in a satisfactory environment.

#8 With Symfony you have a minimum viable product (MVP) ready for launch after 6 to 8 weeks

Depending on the project requirements, and due to superior development opportunities with the Symfony PHP framework, a fully functional business web application, platform or network can be launched after 3 sprints, which is 6 weeks.

For startups or small and medium-sized businesses that want either to test the market or the idea or build a social network or knowledge platform, Symfony can provide good performance and easy optimization in a short interval.

As a business owner, this gives you enough time to use and test the platform, the business model, test the product with your target group and prepare necessary changes in terms of functionality and features.

The conclusion?

Symfony can be used for any web app or digital marketplaces.

If you have in mind complex social and business platforms, social networks, digital marketplaces or knowledge networks we confidently recommend the Symfony PHP framework.

No matter your team’s experience, the Symfony community is there to offer help along with the well-timed updates and good documentation so your app can be what you aim for.

Do you still have doubts about whether you should choose Symfony for your next web application or specific digital marketplaces?

Don’t hesitate to ask us anything that comes up across your mind.

Request a quote, we are happy to answer your questions.

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Originally published at https://www.etondigital.com/create-digital-marketplaces-symfony-php-framework/ on August 14, 2018.

