What is a Network Security System?

2 min readFeb 6, 2018


Every company in this world, be it a giant multinational or a tiny start-up working out of an apartment, needs an IT team working for them to secure their operations into a coded language so no one can read. They are the ones who lay down the basis of a network security system. So what is it really? A network of wires protecting and carrying a ton of data? It has a lot more to it. A system is designed to protect the data from viruses, cyber threats, and theft.

The biggest example of poor security systems was only seen recently when important data was compromised while hackers asked for a ransom in order to save it. It also includes software and applications. The network security system has many levels to it. It is designed in a way that it systematically works its way through different things. It not only detects and protects your system software and data from viruses but also identifies the difference between users who should be given access and the users who should be blocked out. Its core step is to separate the good and the bad access to the information, prevent any misuse or malfunction that may inhibit the process of work.

There are a number of ways to ensure network security and many network security systems exist in order to fulfill the task. For example, we come across antiviruses, email security firewall, backup and data protection, VPN, Wireless security, IPS etc. all are created to secure and ensure usability of the network and data you have designed to work differently. This includes both, hardware and software, technologies by keeping away the risk of losing and misuse of important data. Network Security System is, therefore, accelerating all the operations in every field of work.




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