Pencil Sketch Drawing

Pencil Sketch Drawing
1 min readSep 24, 2020


The first idea is to paint a knife on a sheet of paper and use a cotton swab to squeeze. Paint a little gray on a palette and place it on a knife. Move the knife into the art by moving it like this mark on the paper. As another tree emerges take a trunk and other green paint and draw a line along with it Shade it with a cotton bush. So that the leaves go from left to right so the picture on the right is ready These palm trees look like. I just want to go to the beach For the next thought, take a sheet with a heart drawn In the middle and clean. It and put a clean sheet under which many things are formed multicolored blocks with paint. Stencil from the top Now take a painting knife and smear the paint from top to bottom. Take a tube of acrylic paint next to the heart and fill the background.

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