Self Esteem is Like a Three-Leg Stool

Jenni Love
4 min readOct 30, 2022

Self esteem is an overall sense of wellbeing which arises when we have healthy levels of Self Respect

(feeling good about our purpose), Self Worth (feeling good about ourselves) and Self Confidence (feeling good about our skills).

This sense of wellbeing which comes with high levels of self esteem is a rare experience for many of us. Perhaps this sense of wellbeing is a rare even among psychologists and maybe that is why we don’t hear very much about it.

Simple way to look at Self Esteem

We could think of self esteem as being like a three-leg stool. Self Esteem is the top part of the stool. One ‘leg’ of the stool would be Self Respect, another would be Self Worth and the third would be Self Confidence.

The top part of a three-leg stool holds it all together, but it also needs the legs to be strong to be functional. Self Esteem is a bit like this, in order for us to be resilient and handle the different weighty situations which will come along, the…

