Parental Involvement in Early Education: Strategies for Success

Ettevort International Academy
3 min readJun 28, 2024


Parental involvement in early education is crucial for the academic and social development of children. Active participation by parents in their child’s education can lead to better learning outcomes, increased motivation, and stronger parent-child relationships. Here are some effective strategies for parents to support their children’s early education, along with ways Ettevort encourages and facilitates parental involvement.

Strategies for Parental Involvement

1. Establish a Learning Environment at Home

Create a Dedicated Study Area

Set up a quiet, well-lit area in your home where your child can focus on their homework and other educational activities. This space should be free from distractions and equipped with necessary supplies like books, pencils, and a computer.

Encourage Reading

Promote a love for reading by providing a variety of books appropriate for your child’s age and interests. Read together daily, and discuss the stories to enhance comprehension and critical thinking skills.

2. Communicate Regularly with Teachers

Attend Parent-Teacher Meetings

Regularly attend parent-teacher conferences to stay informed about your child’s progress and any areas needing improvement. These meetings also provide an opportunity to discuss how you can support learning at home.

Use Digital Communication Tools

Many schools offer digital platforms for parents to communicate with teachers. Utilize these tools to stay updated on classroom activities, assignments, and upcoming events.

3. Engage in School Activities

Volunteer at School

Volunteer for school events, field trips, or in the classroom. This involvement shows your child that you value their education and are committed to their success.

Join Parent-Teacher Associations

Becoming a member of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) allows you to participate in school decision-making processes and advocate for improvements that benefit all students.

4. Support Homework and Learning Activities

Establish a Routine

Create a consistent schedule for homework and study time. This helps children develop good habits and understand the importance of regular practice.

Provide Guidance, Not Answers

Assist your child with homework by guiding them through difficult problems, but avoid giving them the answers. Encourage them to think critically and develop problem-solving skills.

5. Foster a Positive Attitude Towards Education

Celebrate Achievements

Acknowledge and celebrate your child’s academic and extracurricular achievements. Positive reinforcement boosts their confidence and motivates them to continue striving for success.

Model Lifelong Learning

Show your child that learning is a lifelong process by pursuing your own educational interests. Whether it’s reading books, taking courses, or learning new skills, demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement.

How Ettevort Encourages and Facilitates Parental Involvement

Comprehensive Communication Channels

Ettevort provides various platforms for parents and teachers to communicate effectively. Through secure online portals, parents can receive updates on their child’s progress, upcoming assignments, and school events. This transparency ensures that parents are always informed and can actively participate in their child’s education.

Workshops and Training Sessions

Ettevort offers workshops and training sessions designed to equip parents with the skills and knowledge needed to support their child’s learning journey. These sessions cover topics such as effective communication with teachers, strategies for helping with homework, and understanding the curriculum.

Volunteering Opportunities

Ettevort encourages parental involvement by organizing numerous volunteering opportunities. Parents can participate in classroom activities, assist with school events, or contribute to special projects. This hands-on involvement fosters a strong school community and reinforces the partnership between home and school.

Inclusive Parent-Teacher Associations

Ettevort supports active Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs) that welcome and encourage parent participation. Through the PTA, parents can voice their opinions, collaborate with educators, and work together to enhance the educational environment for all students.

Personalized Learning Plans

Ettevort works with parents to develop personalized learning plans tailored to each child’s needs. By involving parents in the planning process, Ettevort ensures that educational strategies align with the child’s strengths, interests, and areas for improvement.


Parental involvement in early education is instrumental in shaping a child’s academic success and overall development. By creating a conducive learning environment at home, communicating regularly with teachers, engaging in school activities, supporting homework, and fostering a positive attitude towards education, parents can make a significant impact. Ettevort’s commitment to facilitating parental involvement through comprehensive communication, workshops, volunteering opportunities, inclusive PTAs, and personalized learning plans further enhances this partnership, ensuring that every child has the support they need to thrive.



Ettevort International Academy

We redefine education through a holistic approach that embraces academic rigor, cultural immersion, and personal growth.