Published inNerd For TechSwiftUI: Scroll like in UIKit using only SwiftUI _hidden APIsImagine you could configure the SwiftUI ScrollViewOct 20, 20212Oct 20, 20212
Published inBetter ProgrammingHow to Test Multiple SwiftUI Bottom Sheet CallbacksAnd understand how to programmatically tap on the button with SwiftUI with the _ViewTest protocolOct 7, 20211Oct 7, 20211
Published inNerd For TechCustomise and resize sheets in SwiftUIThe title of this story is similar to WWDC`21 session 10063, except that on WWDC there was “UIKit” instead of “SwiftUI” in the title.Oct 1, 2021Oct 1, 2021
Published inBetter ProgrammingPerformance Benchmark Testing in SwiftUI With the _ViewTest ProtocolA workaround to introspect the SwiftUI View’s @State using a hidden testing APISep 15, 2021Sep 15, 2021
Deep dive into QuartzCore Rich Text AnimationsOut of the box QuartzCore provides poor support of text animations. CATextLayer class gives the possibility to animate text color and font…Jul 30, 2019Jul 30, 2019