Product Hunt Review: — product idea to landing page in seconds!

Ridia Chang
4 min readMar 7, 2023

-- is a site where you can instantly generate a full landing page from a 2–3 word product idea. The landing page with the strawberries on the front looked awesome, so I thought I’d give it a try!

How to:

The directions of the landing page was quite simple. Using AI, Page Genie turns your idea into a series of words, photos and FAQ lists that can get you started on your next business website.

The log in was fairly simple, using Google. Once logged in, you will be given a search bar where you can type a 2–3 word prompt for your next website. In the first try, I used the idea “big dog clothes.”

Uhmmm… so the first screen of the page wasn’t quite what I thought. Though the words on the page were quite similar to what I expected — the main hero photo on the page was clearly a sweater made for a human.

The photos did get a little bit better as the page went on, but I was a bit disappointed with what I got.

The second attempt was “cute dog leases” — I tried to be more exact and direct as possible with what I wanted to sell. I was also quite interested to see how the AI would come up with “cute”, as much of the information on cute is linked with dogs of smaller breeds.

As I expected, the word cute was linked with the color pink. The main logos and title seemed to carry the same design — but they did change color according to the prompt given.

What was amazing though, was that the generated text was very plausible — seemingly like a real, existing page made by a small business. Especially towards the back where it listed details and FAQs, one could almost find information on most questions a regular consumer would be curious about.

Even when using the prompt “Dog training class” the site recognized the service as a business and provided an adequate amount of information on the special benefits of dog training, types of dog training, and also insight into who, what, and when the service was available — as would an actual dog training business be.

Overall Summary:

The idea of using AI to auto-generate a website and descriptions may be totally useful for one-person businesses or people who need a rough idea of how their product page will look like.

However, the fact that the photos never did as well as I expected was quite a bummer — as design is the most visible and noticeable factor when it comes to site engagement. What’s more, marketers and peeps who already have access to GPT tools and AI generative art may find that these results are similar to — let alone less informative than if you were to select and insert the actual prompt itself.

Page Genie sounds like a fun, non-time consuming way to deliver product ideas with a little bit more visual reference, but nothing too magical that would make day-to-day work easier. (Strictly from a marketing perspective.)

You can try Page Genie here:

