Eunice Oreoluwa
4 min readSep 8, 2023

My temperament. Volume 2.

In my first publication, I wrote that, “our temperament influences everything we do.” Humanly speaking, nothing has a more profound influence on your behavior than your temperament. It is absolutely correct to say that temperament is the combination of your parents’ genes and chromosomes at conception even before you drew your first breath. This (temperament) is largely responsible for your actions, emotional responses, reactions and almost everything you do.

Most people I have been with and I talk to are completely unaware of this extremely powerful influence on their behavior. Given the influence the temperament has on an individual, people therefore tend to conflict with this power and often try to change themselves that they were never intended to be, instead of embracing it, cooperating with it and using it. This act of emotional denial damage the relationship that has been built over time and sometimes you begin to hear “ I don’t understand myself” or, “ I can’t feel myself” or, “ I don’t like myself.”

When a person understand and discovers his temperament, he can easily figure out his journey in life and what works best for him. Trust me, what I love doing isn’t exactly what you love doing, we might love doing the same thing, but we might not do the same thing exactly the same. Temperament influences your eating habits, reading manners, interactive or social life, shopping method, future occupation, vocational opportunities and even till your choice of spouse and parental ability.

Now let’s delve more into the topic. What does Temperament entails?. When you hear the word Temperament what comes into your mind?. According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 10th Edition , Temperament is defined as “ a person’s or an animal’s nature as shown in the way they behave or react to situations or people.”

Temperament is the combination of traits inherited from our parents. It is a person’s temperament that makes him outgoing and extroverted or shy and introverted. Doubtlessly you know both kinds of people who are born to the same parents but behave differently. In my secondary school days ( High School), I knew two set of twins. The first set of twins were boys who are unidentical. One of the boys was short, quiet and exceptionally brilliant. The other twin on the other hand was tall, playful and also brilliant. The other set of twins I knew back in school were girls. One was slightly taller than the other, while one behaves like a boy, the other behaves like a girl. Now you see the scenario, you might be from the same parents and might not have the same character, hence, having different Temperament.

Temperament is not the only influence upon your behavior, of course. Early home life, training, education, and motivation also influences your actions throughout life. Temperament is, however, the Number One influence on a person’s life, not only because it is the first thing that affects us, but escorts us through life.

An extrovert is an extrovert. He may tone down the expression of his extroversion, but he will always be an extrovert. Similarly, although an introvert may be able to come out of his Shell and act more aggressively, he will never be transformed into an extrovert. Temperament sets broad guidelines on everyone’s behavior that will influence a person as long as he lives.


As earlier established, temperament is the combination of inborn traits that subconsciously affects man’s behavior. These traits are passed on by genes. Some psychologist suggests that we get more genes from our grandparents than our parents. This could be true as people tend to possess certain characters that their grandparents have. Some resembles their grandparents than their parents.

Character is the real you. The Bible refers to it as “ the hidden man of the heart.” It is the results of your natural temperature molded and accompanied by childhood trianing, Education, basic attitudes, beliefs, principles, and motivations. It is often referred to as the “soul” of man.

Personality is the outward expression of ourselves, which may or may not be the same as our character, depending on how genuine we are. Usually, personality is a pleasing facade for an unpleasant or weak character.

In summary, temperament is the combination of trusts we are born with; character is our “civilized" temperament, and personality is the “face" we show to others.


Here is the four temperament.

Extrovert; Sparky Sanguine and Rocky Choleric.

Introvert; Martin Melancholy and Phil Phlegmatic.

A most read for every person

To those that want a great insight to temperament, I would recommend Dr Tim Lahaye books

Eunice Oreoluwa

A writer | A lawyer | A cook | A speaker | A lover of God 😀