Russell Reynolds Associates — Diversity and Inclusion #GameChangers

Eunyoung Cho
2 min readJun 24, 2018


I found this document while researching Gitlab handbook. As I’m now starting to set up the culture for my company, this was the right time for digging in Gitlab. And this document is about diversity and inclusion from Russell Reynolds Associates.

I have thought the most important value for an organization is diversity and inclusion since I was in UCLA Middle School Diversity Project led by Dr. Juvonen. The lab was the most diverse and safe place for me in UCLA and I attribute my feeling to the diversity and inclusion of the lab. So, as I was reading this, I couldn’t agree more. I hope I could bring this atmosphere in my company in near future.

A journey towards a more diverse workforce and inclusive culture today is therefore critical to companies in their quest for a more resilient tomorrow.

They fight against unconscious bias — training to combat unconscious bias came up in every conversation with our #GameChangers.

In our performance management process, we began eliminating the self-assessed year-end rating after we saw a clear pattern of junior women rating themselves lower than their male counterparts.

Aim to get everyone on board, even if you do not always achieve it.

Inclusive leaders pay attention, assume nothing and question everything.

#GameChangers stand out because of leaders who see the value that diversity brings, foster inclusive cultures and exemplify behaviors that instill a sense of belonging among employees.

  1. A conversation about diversity alone is not enough: Inclusion is essential.
  2. #GameChangers see diversity and inclusion as inextricably linked to business goals.
  3. Diversity and inclusion are about the long game. It affects everyone in the company.
  4. #GameChangers move beyond talk and symbolic hires.
  5. Engaged and inclusive leadership is critical to success. Leaders should be the ones to lead D&I.

Therefore, rather than simply accommodating employees of diverse backgrounds, an inclusive culture must go further, encouraging them to bring their “whole selves” — their passions, strengths, beliefs, backgrounds, priorities, and relationships — to work.Inclusion/belongingness is so important.

Belonging is the extent to which employees feel they can be their authentic selves at work.

The basic premise is each employee asking the question, “Can people like me be successful here?” The key is to make them feel included.

Having a sense of “belonging” to the company and seeing it as a place where they can be their authentic selves.

A better ability to serve customers — Meet the customers from diverse backgrounds.

A higher level of innovation

All employees understand the importance of safety and understand their accountability (regardless of level or position) for safety.

A stronger employer brand — employees bring their friends to the company.

Tackle D&I issues within their own companies, rather than replicating initiatives from other companies.


Originally published at



Eunyoung Cho

Interested in UX, organizations, diversity, happiness, and education | B.A. UCLA, Psychology, Class of 2014