11 Reasons Why You Are Living a Toxic Life

The Toxicity That Is Killing You From Within

Euphoric Life
6 min readMar 6, 2023
11 Reasons Why You Are Living A Toxic Life

Are you living a life that is slowly eating you up?

When you can’t live a life of your own desire or dream and are busy pleasing your surroundings, that’s when you add up toxicity to your life. A Tinch of negativity in your life can trap you in thoughts that make it difficult for you to make the next move.

You start becoming a stress magnet because your thought patterns become irrational causing your mind to drain. It becomes difficult for you to stop, spot, and deal with these irrational thought patterns as your own thoughts start slowly poisoning you.

A toxic behavior in life is due to the feeding of thoughts from damaged, negative, and anxious people who don’t let you present yourself in the best light. They pre-program your mind, body, soul, and thoughts which stops supporting credit of good thoughts for your betterment.

Why Toxicity Is Killing You From Within?

In toxicity, your thoughts or words are tied just like a leash and are controlled by the owner(others) who release you or hold you based on their wish and will. It gets difficult for you to take your next step as you make your move based on others.

You are constantly engaging in those activities that either bring stress, anxiety, or even hurdles but not those that destress you and help you address the situations from a better standpoint. You make it a new normal where

  • Negative People
  • Manipulating Relationships
  • Pleasing others
  • Walking on the wrong path
  • Not knowing where to start
  • Just lost in thoughts
  • Worrying too much

are a part of your life. If you know yourself better and the person you are, you don’t need validation from others on how you need to spend your life.

11 Reasons Why You Are Living a Toxic Life

When your mind starts draining and your thought patterns change, you tend to live a life with hurdles making it difficult to cross each one of them. The toxic nature of your life is all dependent on your thought patterns and surroundings which are built due to many reasons. Why not see if a few of them are already a part of your life?

  1. The Negative People Magnet: Negative people aren’t happy for even the smallest reasons. They are busy finding reasons why their life is not up to their expectations. They nag you with the pettiest reasons causing you to think in the same direction thereby making you lose the smallest happiness and memories in your life and making your life intoxicated with negativity and mental instability.
  2. The Unrealistic Expectation Setter: When you set unrealistic expectations and come across failures you tend to blame yourself for every possible reason for the outcome. If you don’t set expectations based on real-world scenarios you tend to fail in every possible way thereby becoming a victim of stress, depression, and anxiety which in turn create toxicity in your life. Set expectations based on whether you can meet them or not be it in the long or short run.
  3. The Personal Time Ignorant: If you always ignore your personal time or so-called “me-time” you stop being yourself as you don’t give time to re-shape yourself and find gaps in your mind, body, soul, and growth which keep adding up but you end up being another human. These changes when noticed and conveyed by your surroundings creates low self-esteem thereby creating toxicity.
  4. Unsure of your Existence: If you don’t have a sense of why you exist, you tend to have irrational thoughts which can lead to feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction. This leads to an unpurposeful life where you don’t know what you are passionate about and where you want to reach in life. This is when everything becomes inadequate and you tend to live a life with stress and anxiety as you are unsure of everything that you are surrounded by.
  5. The “I’ll do it tomorrow” attitude: Procrastination, something that can be done in the present moment but is pushed to a later timeline. When you don’t try to complete your work on time you tend to pile up tasks. These piled-up tasks create a sense of anxiety as they keep adding up just because of the delays caused by your overconfidence.
  6. Mr./Mrs. Lazy Bones: How much do you exercise daily? It helps you keep your mental health fit. If you are a lazy bone in your life then you may never turn up to be active be it physically or mentally. If it gets tough for you to be active then you may drain yourself which will refrain you from doing any tasks. An inactive mind, body, or soul can create a feeling of frustration which affects your health.
  7. The Disturbed Financial Expenses: If you are unaware of how much you should spend then you will fall into a place where there is an outflow but never an inflow. When you spend more than required and then fall into the trap of payments you tend to get frustrated due to unmanaged expenses coming your way in the form of interest. In the same way, do you want to intoxicate your life with these interests in the form of tensions that arouse every now and then? Watch out.
  8. The Poison Eater: Eating junk, fast, and obese causing food can generate a lot of trouble. They don’t let you develop a healthy body and mind that can help you think positively about life. You then end up in a zone of frustration, and anger, because of the amount of junk food you consume and end up being a victim of your own health.
  9. The Stressed Worker: Why take extra work when you are having a packed day? In the zone to impress your colleagues and manager you tend to go above and beyond taking a hit on your routine. When you don’t deliver these on time you are bombarded with a lot of questions. A small help sometimes doesn’t let you live the rest of your day. When you take these loads you tend to be anxious about when you would finish the work thereby causing yourself fatigue and health issues.
  10. The Angry Young Man: Anger has never brought good to a human. It has just damaged the existing relationships, growth, mind, body, and soul. You start losing yourself, your confidence level declines, and you become a victim of your own happiness. When anger meets relationships or people or even your own work it tends to create hurdles that’ll stop you from every possible direction. This can lead to slow progress in your life and you keep losing yourself.
  11. The Obeyer: A slight habit of saying a “NO” can bring in a lot of change. This world filled with people who are rushing to reach great heights will teach you lessons that you haven’t thought about. When you keep obeying every little thing that comes along your way you somehow give your mind to key to others so that can operate you the way they wish. They’ll start manipulating you to be their slaves and you lose control of your mind and senses. They lock your movement and you end up being drained. You need to change and behave the same way as how people behave with you else you may end up being a slave and thereby create poison in your body.

The toxic nature of life is not only disturbing but can harm you from a mental standpoint. Imagine how life would be when you are unable to understand the importance of your own existence, empty and unfulfilling. You end up adding negativity and when you seek help you end up being alone fighting for yourself wondering how you get out of this loophole.



Euphoric Life

Dissolve in life and see how it paves a path towards you. In search of Self Development, Lifestyle, & Happiness?