5 Reasons You Are Losing Abundance in Life

The Scarcity Mindset

Euphoric Life
4 min readDec 12, 2022

Did you just stop doing your work because you weren’t able to reach your deadline or goal? Or you just stopped talking to your friend because of ego that aroused in you due to some of their behaviorism changes?

Do you want life to give you everything without working hard for it? If that had been the case everyone of us would have been rich by now. We all face difficulties, while some of them try to solve them with ease and few leave them because they portray it big in their head.

Even the little things in your life is connected to the mindset you possess. Now which one of it you possess? The scarcity or the abundance and it all depends on the way you assess things that you come across.

“Time is running out and I think I won’t be able to complete the work on time” is an example of the scarcity mindset, and “I have enough time to execute my work for the day” is an example of the abundance mindset. A small change in the way you look can bring the change in your day.

When you create a sense of panic, you are creating a stress in your mind that never lets you complete work as you are asking the universe to stop you from attaining it. But, when you send universe a message that you will be able to achieve things, then you are confirming that everything is available and the universe will respond back in the same manner.

5 Reasons You Are Losing Abundance

A person with scarcity mindset is the one who focuses more on negativity, past, unavailability of things, lack of resources, time, and much more that stops them from achieving anything just due to their mindset. What could be the possible reasons? Just think about it.

  1. You are focusing on the gaps : A common mistake that you do in your daily routine or your life is focusing on things that you are missing in your life. You end up searching on all those things but not those that are right in front of you. This negative energy will bring in more things in your life that you miss hence stopping you from manifesting what you need.
  2. You are living in your past: The more you dwell on your past the more you lose your energy of doing things in your present. You end up being in the same thought day and night not planning to shift, you aren’t happy because of something that has happened in your past by which you are effecting your present, you are not happy with the good things you have now because of bad things that had happened earlier. You are losing your energy on focusing what is gone and not what is present around you.
  3. You often use can’t, no, don’t: When you start using the words can’t, don’t, and no, you are limiting yourself to the access that you’d need from the universe to reach your goal. Just wonder when you say “I don’t know how to do it” it means you are already telling yourself that you can’t do it providing some negative energy onto it. It stops you from doing anything further because your mind drifts in that direction.
  4. Envy is your thing: When you are jealous of people around you because they have everything what you need, you drift your thinking towards on what you don’t have instead of trying to have it with an abundance mindset. Your focus is on the life of others and not your own so you end up focusing on what others have and not thinking about how you can end up having it if you change your mindset.
  5. You don’t let yourself out of the box: In a scarcity mindset, you always think that you aren’t getting enough in terms of your work, clients, wealth, friends, and much more. You always feel that what you have isn’t enough for your day to end. You limit yourself to the boundaries and not crossing it due to the risk and failure you think you are going to receive. As it looks scary, you end up in fear not letting you get the whole feel of your day.

Living a life that is not abundant on this Earth depends on the mindset. The reason why you are not able to find the abundance is because you are not letting yourself be happy with the enough resources that you have around you and who can help you grow.

You need to respect the time, the world you are living in, the resources you have, the money you possess, and much more. But, when you tend to ignore it, you are sending a message to the universe that you are not ready to be happy with what you have and creating a scarcity in your life and making it more difficult to attain what you want.



Euphoric Life

Dissolve in life and see how it paves a path towards you. In search of Self Development, Lifestyle, & Happiness?