7 Problems With Giving Away Your Power to Others

What Problems Can Occur When You Give Away Your Power

Euphoric Life
6 min readDec 28, 2022
Photo by Nik Shuliahin 💛💙 on Unsplash

How much have you tried being yourself but wasn’t able to? Is the power to controlling yourself fading away?

Is it because you weren’t able to understand yourself or you were busy impressing and obeying people around you due to the fear of losing them?

It is highly unlikely that the power we possess lies in our hands when we are busy sticking to people around us. We tend to give our powers to them and let them control us in a manner we would later discover.

When you allow a person’s words to upset you, you’re giving away your power.
-Phil McGraw

Giving other people the power to control how you think, feel, behave, or even take decisions makes it impossible for us to be mentally strong, calm, and composed. We tend to take hasty decisions due to the control we have given to others.

Like how you control each and every option of your television set with the help of remote control, in the same way your mind can be controlled when you give away its remote to others. From your head to toe, your decisions to thought process, your problems to solutions each and everything is controlled by those set of people.

Do any of the points below sound familiar?

  • You’ve changed your goals just because they weren’t able to achieve it and thought even you won’t be able to achieve it?
  • You spend your day based on other people’s emotions.
  • You’ve been committing mistakes when others asked you to in spite of knowing it is going to be an issue.
  • You spend a lot of time thinking “what you have to” complete or do in life or a day.
  • You start holding grudge about a person who has not even done anything with you.

Do you find yourself in any of the examples mentioned above? You will come across any one of them if you are that kind of person who usually puts in the remote control in hands of others. Instead if you refrain from giving it away you will be confident about your choices, thoughts, decisions, and much more. Sometimes a simple NO can change things for you.

Why do we give away our power?

Are you emotionally connected to a person in a way that you fear losing them? We tend to have emotional bonds with people that indeed risks us from giving away our power to them. You don’t dare to say no to anyone who asks you or help.

These emotions might be making your life but in another direction it might be breaking you up too. Each time you avoid saying no you end up losing yourself. This is a never ending loop and can put you in trouble for not being who are and being who others want you to be.

You might be somehow connected may be emotionally, financially, thought process, thinking alike, or even more that you have thought about. But each time you bring this up you end up giving power in some or the other way.

These are all connections with humans, nature, or electronic gadgets,that either grow you up or decline you down. When you learn to stand up for yourself you end the controlling power in others hands for you.

Don’t let yourself dissolve in everything, sometimes you need to let it just go away for others to understand your importance too.

Problems with giving away your power to others

You may wonder what problems you might be facing when you give away your power. There can be many like how we have mentioned a few of the common instances above before we started discussing on this.

Why don’t we figure out the common problems we face giving away our power to others whom we trust.

  1. You don’t define your self-worth: How much worthy do you feel about your own decisions? If you have been giving away your energy to others then you would never feel worthy enough. You’ll end up being an opinion to people around you who know about your worth but still end you up else where in this world. You would just be an option left in other peoples list which you shouldn’t be at all. Try to know your worth more than what others do. You’ll always feel you are ending up in a negative feedback from others.
  2. Your feelings are not your own: Did it happen that you started crying for someone for the smallest things and issues? Well that’s when you should know that your energy is fading away. It is because they know your trigger points and they know how to break that line because you spilled everything out during one point in time of your life. You will never have a clear picture and end up being a person who always wants to crib about the emotions in life.
  3. You don’t address on solutions and create more problems: You know when you face difficulties in life more than expected? When you start sharing your problems with others. These are the common world problems that you can take care of instead of sharing. When you start sharing they start exponentially increasing with time as others are aware of it where you are stuck at.
  4. You lose your sight of your own goals: If you want to build yourself and reach your goal then you shouldn’t let others control you. Other people will interfere in your progress and act like hurdles so that you don’t grow up in a faster pace. You need to have a strict plan to reach your goals and never deviate from it as it might affect you in the long run if you let others control you.
  5. You lose people and relations: If you don’t speak about your issues then you would start losing people around you. You shouldn’t allow others to penetrate in your life. There are lot of people who will break you in your path whether it is maintaining people or relations with them. They will be ready when you let them know how your relations are. If you refrain you become aware of everything and everyone around you.
  6. You victimize yourself: When you share things with others you don’t drive yourself in the later stages of your life. You’ll need to behave how others want you to and later feel bad as you gave them the authority back then. You start blaming things around you and you were the creator for it. This way with the negativity filling in you, you start losing yourself and your own energy.
  7. You become more negative or pessimist: When the energy you possess is transferred to others there is a sense of irritation or pessimism that is developed in you. They try to manipulate you in a way that you become more negative about your surroundings than you used to be earlier. They inject you with negativity making sure that you end up no where in your life. You need to stay calm and composed and bring out a change in your thinking.

You create your own energy after hardships and you lose them with your own hands due to sharing it with others. Your power is a beautiful gift from the god which you can utilize to achieve anything in this world. Like how you get energized seeing your family in the same way you need to use your power to achieve your goals. Don’t try to give your remote to others so that they can handle you more than you can ever think about. Life isn’t easy at times but you can make it better.



Euphoric Life

Dissolve in life and see how it paves a path towards you. In search of Self Development, Lifestyle, & Happiness?