Habits That Show You Are a People Pleaser

Are You One Amongst Them?

Euphoric Life
5 min readFeb 19, 2023
One line drawing with Habits That Show You Are a People Pleaser written on it

“I am really sorry about it, It was my mistake” (Wasn’t actually yours)

“Why aren’t you talking to me? Shall I do something for you?”

“Just keep remembering me every time”

Have you gone down in other people’s eyes trying to convince them for accepting you the way you are? It is good to be a people-pleaser at times but never at the cost of your own mental well-being.

There’s something very addicitve about people pleasing. It’s a thought pattern and a habit that feels really, really good until it becomes desperate
-Anne Hathaway

Being kind or generous looks very good at times but the reality is that it can bring depletion to the way you think, the way you be positive about your surroundings, the way you grow in your life, and much more when it comes to your own personal characteristics.

Are you a people-pleaser?

How do you determine being one?

Do you do any of the things that are mentioned below and have been constantly doing it even if it is affecting you somehow?

  • You don’t have a “NO” in your dictionary whenever someone asks you for a favor?
  • You are always trying to justify the type of person you are.
  • You constantly want to hear good things about yourself from the people you are surrounded by.
  • There is no limit to your helping hand?
  • You aren’t straight forward nor do you fight if somebody speaks wrong about you with a fear that you’d lose them away in the long run.
  • You are struggling to impress people and put in a lot of energy than required if the person isn’t interested in you.
  • You beg out for the smallest or the pettiest things.
  • Ready to do anything without thinking about fruitful gains.

When you tag yourself as a “People-Pleaser” then you end up depleting yourself emotionally, mentally, and physically as you are giving away your energy which brings good to other people and not you.

Most of the people-pleaser don’t rework this so that they can get themselves back on track. Are you falling in the same zone too? Keep in mind that you shouldn't neglect your own desires, dreams, or even your most important goals just because you are busy running behind those who may or may not run behind you.

Are your habits resembling that of a people-pleaser? Find out

Have you lately been doing any one thing in the above listing? Can you be called a “People-Pleaser”? Well, it all depends on the psychology and habits you possess. Just doing it one time doesn’t make you one, but making it a habit can change you into one.

What could be those possible habits of a “People-Pleaser”?

  1. Apologies for small instances in your life: You tend to be apologetic all the time making sure you don’t lose the relationship with other people. Even if it is not your mistake you just want to end up on good terms which means you are giving others a chance to control you by any factor or means. It is okay not to be apologetic for small or petty instances in your life.
  2. You find it difficult to say NO: Wondered why you end up saying “YES” always? Because you find it difficult to say “NO” which you might think will hurt people and you don’t want that to happen. Is it difficult to say NO? A simple No can change your life you just need to try rather than end up in sadness, depression, or anxiety in the later stages.
  3. Trying hard to save the relationship(s): You are too bothered about breaking relationships. You end up going to any extent to save the relationship just to make sure you don’t lose the other person. You go down to such an extent that you want to save the relationship even if the other person is not interested. In this case, you end up losing others in your life and especially yourself.
  4. It’s “Others” first and not “YOU”: Most of the time you are not living for yourself and living for others instead. In this matter, an opportunity, growth, or good phase of life comes, and you tend to keep others first even if you know you’ve been the person behind every work that has been showcased. A people-pleaser feels that always people are important first and not themselves. This leads to depletion in your emotional and mental well-being.
  5. Health is never your priority: A psychology of a yes-person is that they never thought about their own health. It so happens that even if you are asked to take a rest you end up working as you need to show someone how hard you can work, you want to win them in any manner even if you are in the worst condition when it comes to your health. If it is constantly happening then you will end up losing yourself one day.
  6. You don’t speak up or open up: What do you do when you come across a situation where you have an answer but is stuck down your throat? A yes-person doesn’t think too much if someone speaks badly about them or hurts them intentionally. You end up being quiet always and allowing others to behave this way all the time. This not only drowns you from the inside but will make you feel depressed when you come to know the reality ahead.
  7. You are quite easy to convince: It doesn’t take much time to convince you as you are ready to be there always for anyone even if they aren’t really bothered about you and your life. You are okay even if others are not convinced by you when you are in the most need of someone to be with. In the long run, you are left alone which may put you into a stressful and anxious situation as you don’t get things back the way you gave people.

Being a people-pleaser is not always good because at times it’s not others who need to be there first on your priority list but yourself. You are not born with this set of responsibilities, instead, you have chosen to adopt them and spoil yourself not for good but for the bad days of your life.

How much do you think will things change for you if you become one too? You make the choice in your life and do you think this is the right one that will bring you nothing but a stagnant life of being there for others more than yourself and your family?

Just line up with your own beliefs and learn to live a life in which you are more than most of the people whom you were trying to make happy or are trying to make happy.



Euphoric Life

Dissolve in life and see how it paves a path towards you. In search of Self Development, Lifestyle, & Happiness?