How Much of Your Life Can Change in an Year?

Euphoric Life
7 min readDec 31, 2022


Adding Up New Chapters Every Year

Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

Imagine what would happen when you would smile for all the memories you have created in the entire year. That’s a sign that you’ve had the best year of your time.

One day you will look back and find that you were strong in ways you were not able to at the time and you will be grateful for how you chose to keep going even without knowing what the future would be.
-Morgan Harper Nichols

With each passing day, month, or even an year, you end up making memories which might find a space in your heart permanently. It just gets affixed and would leave with you when you will be leaving this planet.

How much do you think your life can change in an year? A year, do you think it is enough to think about an year or instead think about how much change has been observed until date since the time you were born?

Why the journey of life is beautiful even with ups and downs?

Did you happen to ask yourself what are you living for? Or for whom are you living for? If none of the answers starts with you then there is something you need to change. Time doesn’t wait for anyone and if it is not utilized in the right manner then it might create a downfall for you.

The people around you move with rapid pace like the world does. Coincidentally or just by luck you come across people in life in which a few are meant to stick with you while a few leave you in between. But the beauty is life goes on without having a full stop.

Have you noticed the small reasons you are living for? If not, just try to witness them. It so happens that small reasons in your life brings about a change in your surroundings and the people you live with. Just imagine if a simple hug to an unknown person brings a smile to their face then how much of an impact it would create on you?

Just ask yourself once a day

If for all above the answers is yes, then you are surely on the right path directing yourself to the destiny that will make you witness heaven one day.

The beauty of life is that you never know how much of an impact you might create in other persons life whether big or small and somehow bring back the smile to their face.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

What are those small moments of life that you need to live for?

Small moments stick to your heart and never fade away even if you witnessed the biggest failure in your life. You need to remember that these can’t be recreated and are one of the biggest reasons for your achievements. They could be

  • Hugs from your loved ones (Animals or humans)
  • A surprise visit to your parents from abroad
  • Punishments in school
  • A rainy ride along the nature with your loved ones
  • Getting fed by your mother
  • Breathing the happiness on top of a cliff
  • Accomplishments for your hard work
  • Jumping of a cliff with your parachute on and a view of waterfall
  • Dancing your heart out as if no one is observing
  • Watching the bond of animals
  • Ending up with your loved one some where on this planet
  • A dream coming true
  • Tears of happiness shredding for your well being
  • Sharing your emotions and crying for victory

A lot more can be thought of but these can be a few beautiful ones which you will never want to fade away with time. Store it in your head so that every time you see something similar happening it brings a smile on your face.

How much of your life can change in an year?

Ever wondered how things change with time. They teach you, they inject you with the difficult times so that you can grow stronger, they help you in evolving into a better human each passing day.

  1. Your view changed from negative to positive: It so happens that life’s smallest moments teach you the most. Your life changes not rapidly but with a slower pace. You might have been negative about things but a sudden shift brought a positive change which completely change your happiness and you started achieving goals that you set earlier.
  2. You became the person you wanted to be: It so happens that you were not the person that people or you yourself wanted to be. The year passes and you learn a lot from it. You learn how to be patient, calm, composed, happy, sad, and much more. You become a mix of all the emotions and know how to handle things the way it needs to be. Keep in mind when you look back the same year you shall see the change.
  3. From lonely to abundance in friends and relations : Did it happen that you lost touch with friends, you broke relations with your relatives or loved ones and there came a day in your life where everything turned upside down? Yes, life is such a miracle, it does changes everything in a blink of an eye and everything starts becoming the same as it earlier used to be.

    It doesn’t happen always that you are going to be lonely, a day will bring in a change. Respect time and it will surely respect you back with what you were waiting for.
  4. You attained growth which you struggled for earlier : You might have gone heads over heels to attain growth and ended up no where. You came across someone who guided you the best and from there over you never looked back.

    Why did this happen? You struggled, you were respected for your hard work, you helped people during the right time, and when it was yours the favor was returned back by some one in some manner that you did not even have expected about.
  5. You grew by heart and wealth : You’ve struggled all the way down to streamline your financials and emotions as well. You’ve seen the hardest times and have hurdled all the way to reach your goals. You’ve broken down a couple of time but never gave up. As told in the above lines, it is not always about an year, sometimes it also means from the time you felt heart broken until date too teaches you a lot of things.

    You started accepting things the way they are, you started savings because you know the consequences. An year has taught you everything to be big by heart and good by wealth.
  6. Your accomplishments and praises never stopped : Often you’ve worked an entire year but what happened in the end turned your life or dream into a reality. Your accomplishments got bigger, you were praised for your contributions be it for a noble cause, society, organizational excellence, and much more.

    Did it bring a change? Yes indeed. You must have worried but the year end changed it for you. Work doesn’t go in waste, someday or the other you’ll be seeing what you wanted to see.
  7. Your family got bigger, survived the hurdles, presented you emotional surprises : A lot of you might be thinking what could be the best part of your life. Obviously your parents who give you strength and your friends who stay beside you during your darkest times.

    It is amazing that you’ve been a part of those hurdles they have faced, you’ve been a part of those surprises from your sister in law giving birth to a child to seeing yourself graduating from the top schools with good grades.

    They have tried even surprising you during your darkest times so that you don’t lose your hopes. What else you would need in your life? Isn’t it the best. Family goes no where but comes back to you when everyone does.

There can be a lot of changes that you might have observed that you witnessed with your best ones. It is for sure that an year does bring about a change whether good or bad in few ways. You should develop from the bad ones instead of letting it harm you somehow.

Life can be easy when you want it to be, it can be beautiful when you make it, it can be overwhelming when you dissolve in it, and it can be happy when you learn to live with it.

You got to witness each and every part of it. You’ve added the best and worst chapters of it. The only thing that makes it beautiful is you never gave up and reached here even if the difficult times led you down. An year can bring a change and yes it has brought in you as well. Has 2022 ended on a better note? and is 2023 going to be a blast? Witness it.



Euphoric Life

Dissolve in life and see how it paves a path towards you. In search of Self Development, Lifestyle, & Happiness?