How Self-Pity Can Cause You These 7 Problems

Self-Pity Might be Destroying You

Euphoric Life
5 min readJan 7, 2023
Photo by Md Mahdi on Unsplash

You might be dealing with different problems in your life that changes everything in your surroundings. How you deal with those problems totally depends on your perception about them and the way you let them affect your life in different manner.

Sometimes life can’t be as fair as you think it to be. You will face the pain and happiness at the same time which can be eating you up from inside and also pushing you you up during your growth. This is the problem with self-pity.

Every human goes through sadness and there can be many reasons bounded to them such as, loss of loved ones, breakup in relationships, a slow moving growth, loneliness, criticism, toxicity, and a few more that you can think of. Did you even try to let go of it or you always let them inject to your brain?

Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in this world.
-Helen Keller

If you started dwelling on it then you are causing harm to yourself and not others. You will end up being one of the greatest sorrows of your life for always blaming yourself and not regretting about it any point in time of your life.

Are some of the below mentioned points part of your life?

  • I have problems which are more than anyone else around me
  • Nobody is fair with me but with others
  • Why don’t I have positivity in life?
  • My life is difficult than others
  • Bad luck is always on my side and good luck on the others side
  • I always need to beg people to come out with me which is not the same in others case.

Do you tell yourself daily any of these above or something that is similar to the above points? If yes, you will be consumed by self-pity just because your thought patterns are not as same as others in this world. Whether you want to take control of it or not totally depends on you.

The Problems With Self-Pity

How much of your thoughts lie in a pool where you think that you are the only saddest human in this world? As if the world is never ever fair with you even during your toughest times?

In the meanwhile have you thought about being grateful for what you have? Most people who pity themselves don’t have the ability to think grateful.

You don’t really know the consequences it can cause you and affect your life that will sink you and never let you come out of it. It’s so easy to fall into the self-pity trap. It’ll buy everything from you and never give anything in return be it in the most difficult circumstances too.

What could be the possible problems?

  1. It snatches away your time : When you start pitying yourself you end up thinking about the unfair things that are happening in your life which degrades you mentally. You don’t want to think about how fair the life has been until now and you keep wasting time on things that doesn’t even bring a broader change or positive change in your life. It wouldn’t let you move closer to a solution.
  2. Your inclination is towards the negatives : When you feel pity for yourself, you end up building negativity in you as you feel life has been unfair with you in all your moments and fair with others in their most difficult times. You also have thought patterns that doesn’t lead you to a positive road path as you never let them inject in your brain.
  3. You always find the bad out in your life : How often you’ve thought that you are going to have a good day in your life or your life has been pretty good? If you are a victim of self-pity you end up finding things that god has never provided you with but for others. Did you drift towards thinking good about the things you have right now round you? No, not at all.
  4. You start losing people : When you start speaking with people that life has been bad, unfair, toxic, they always think that you don’t spread a good vibe around them. When this continues on high note they feel that you need some change and you tend to start losing them within no time.
  5. You never end up to your goal : When you come across any difficult situation in your life you tend to take it in a way as if you are the only one who is coming across situations and all of the most difficult situations come across during the bad times of your life. When this happens you tend to reach your goal a little slower as you are inclined towards thinking on the situations more than taking action.
  6. You lose your motivation : How much of a motivation do you carry daily which is mixed with your sad emotions? When you mix up thoughts that provide you motivation and self-pity at the same time, you tend to see a decline in your motivational mindset. Why that happens is because you are always telling yourself that you are not going to reach the point or cross the hurdles. With that process you start lacking motivation which will derail you from reaching anywhere in this world.
  7. You tend to commit additional mistakes : Why this happens is because you are always in a different zone of your life thinking that nothing can be achieved as you are not meant for that work. In this case as you don’t tend to have rational thoughts which lets you work but makes you commit more mistakes than you should. Even the best skill of yours can be taken down with self-pity.

What next?

If you allow self-pity to take hold of your feelings, emotions, and mental state you would end up in an environment that would lead you to only stress and nothing less than that. You’ll put off all your work and end up thinking on a bizarre note that might not lead you to a good life.

You need to watch out for those set of patterns that are causing you to think too much than required. Do you want to exaggerate your thoughts about being worried and not having a good or fair life or do you want to end up shooting yourself up so that you can reach the stars. Find the signs of self-pity and put them to an end to lead a better version of yourself.



Euphoric Life

Dissolve in life and see how it paves a path towards you. In search of Self Development, Lifestyle, & Happiness?