How To Get Rid of Your Scattered Day At Work

Tactical Methods to Improvise Your Scattered Day

Euphoric Life
3 min readDec 11, 2022
Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

How does a day in your life look like? This question might sound a bit generic, but it gives you a few answers on how you’ve been living your entire day. In spite of this, did you try to fix it up? a few of you might have tried and a few might be wondering if there is a point.

We all have rough days which ruins our entire schedule at times. There might be many possible reasons of which one could be stress that you are dealing with while the other could be exhausting list of tasks that you need to accomplish in a day.

This exhaustive list of tasks ends you up somewhere in the midst of a never-ending loop that keeps scattering your day even if you have worked for hours together.

Keep in mind that a small task could take hours together if you don’t concentrate on it and don’t own it to the fullest.

What can keep you pulling from achieving or having a day that meets all the needs? Your peers, surroundings, anxiety, stress, fake support, and many more such things.

Tactical methods to fix your scattered day

You know, life fractures us all into little pieces. It harms us, but it’s how we glue those fractures back together that make us stronger.

-Carrie Jones

We might break into pieces but in the end the way we handle things matters the most.

A few tactical methods that can always keep you on the Front line.

  1. Make your life agile : Have an agile mindset, give points to your daily tasks as you are the only one who needs to finish it. Keep prioritizing it every hour or two. It helps you keep track of what’s done and what’s not. You can make use of any tool that helps you achieve this.
  2. Mind-maps win the battle for you: struggling to understand what to do next or how to give a kick start to the day? Create Mind-maps, they make you flow smoothly with ease. Just create paths for each task and important points that’d help you achieve it. You're done. If you have a mind-map, your struggle to achieve the best ends.
  3. Keep your gadgets synced: Have too many things to take care of? Can smartphones help you complete your work too? Keep all your devices synced as it gives you an overview of your daily goals. Keep ticking them off your list as you keep progressing.
  4. Multi-tasking a lot, give it a halt : maximum of your work keeps moving in a loop if you have the habit to multi task. Complete one set and move to another once you have finished the first one. It keeps you progressing with pace.
  5. 3–2–3 rule : Divide the day in 3 hour — 2 hour — 3 hour time frames. Cover up critical work for the first 3 hours as you are in the most active state. The 2 hours in between are for meetings, setting up brainstorming sessions, ticking off tasks that take less than 5 minutes, or any other clarifications that you’d like to make. Make the last 3 hours count for your least focused tasks and ad-hoc tasks which can help you achieve them with ease.
  6. 5 minutes Pomodoro technique breather: stressed and exhausted? After completing a batch of tasks, take a 5 minute breather. It brings in activeness to continue working and helps you cope with tasks and complete them on time.
  7. Sticky note method: Take a sticky note, and add up to 3 questions and answers to it. “What is the issue to be resolved?”, “What are the tools, technologies, and support required to solve it?”, “What are the road blocks to accomplish the task?”. When you write these, you know how to approach it with ease rather than moving from one point to another.

It can be easy if you have the zeal to accomplish a day with full power. You need to own it, act on it, and finally accomplish it. In the end, if it brings a change in the way you work, it means it is making sense.



Euphoric Life

Dissolve in life and see how it paves a path towards you. In search of Self Development, Lifestyle, & Happiness?