Why Are You Having a Cluttered Digital Life?

How Much of a Mess It Does to You

Euphoric Life
5 min readFeb 5, 2023
Photo by Angel Balashev on Unsplash

Why am I unable to find the e-mail?

Urgh! Why is the app not there which I am looking out for?

I don’t think so you’ve given me a call.

The explosion of technology and digital communication has fairly impacted our lives. There has been a huge increase in the number of internet users which constitutes 64.4% of the entire world population.

Strange? Isn’t it?

It has definitely made your life easier to live, faster in getting your work done, and brought more or less productivity to you. Your devotion to it has drastically increased and you are unable to even see the dark side of it.

Technology improves the lives of people who can avoid being dominated by it and forced into debilitating addictions to it.
-Frank Kaufmann

Digital life has now become the new bread and butter and everyone’s lives. Your fingers have become a knife and the phone has become your bread which helps you spread the butter on the bread.

How many of you are drowned in this digital life which has been cluttering your life slowly and steadily on the physical and digital front?

What Does Your Digital Life Look Like?

Have you anytime taken time out of your schedule to look at what your screen time graph looks like? Mostly NO. The hooked-up social media sites, unlimited conversations, and a bunch of video calls have flooded your day.

With these, you keep adding up screen time in a way where you are more addicted to the temporary fix deviating yourself towards a more virtual connected life without worrying about your surroundings.

You have a flooded inbox that might just have 1% of important e-mails, a bunch of documents and photos which keep increasing every day or month, a couple of open tabs which you keep browsing for only seconds, and messed up wire connections for all your gadgets which makes your life imbalanced.

In spite of all these happenings you still find yourself scrolling your screens whenever you have a few minutes left with you or even when you don’t. Is this really how you want to live your life? Not knowing that there is another world beyond this that you can soak into? Absolutely a question you need to answer yourself.

Why Is Your Digital Life Cluttered?

Have you taken a look at your digital life and the amount of time you spend most of your day in it versus the life back then jamming with friends in the park and not being so connected to your devices?

What makes you so hooked on it? Do you fear that your day would halt if you don’t use your digital devices? Or are you in fear that you would stop breathing as it provides you with the oxygen that you need?

Digital life clutter slowly penetrates your daily routine making it difficult for you to deviate from it and sneak on the other side of the world too.

Why is it cluttered? An Answer that you know but don’t want to kick start to curb it down.

  1. Messed-up screens: One of the major reasons for your cluttered digital life is caused by your messed-up screens. You tend to have so many littered icons, folders, documents, and applications on your mobile that you tend to take time to find out the one that you are searching for causing a delay every time you work or do some tasks.
  2. Your apps eat your time: You have plenty of applications to choose from which may directly or indirectly consume your time creating a mess for the rest of your day. How much do you need them? Consider having a shopping application where you spend most of your time scrolling and ending up buying nothing. In the same way, consider your task list, it is more important. Understanding the difference is something you should consider.
  3. Multi-gadget synced collection: When you have multiple gadgets synced together, they tend to keep you hooked not letting you pop out from the loophole they have created. A change in one device can cause issues in others keeping you on top of your worries and making it a mess overall. Think if only one gadget can solve your entire problems rather than having a pile of them near you always making you lose a way to memorize things.
  4. Not knowing the Why?: You are not knowing the why of your digital life. Why do I have so many applications, the same copies of my documents in different folders, a huge collection of unwanted pictures, and multiple names with the same contact numbers? When you don’t know the why? You end up messing up your digital life making yourself feel anxious about things always.
  5. You follow a bad way of Organizing things: You have unorganized e-mails, no proper way of naming your documents, photos, or folders, and you don’t follow a type that makes it easier for you to traverse amongst the folders. When your way of organizing things is bad everything becomes a mess making it consume more time than it actually takes. You need to keep it simple for yourself rather than complicating it.
  6. You don’t have a screen time set: Gadgets are good until you use them for a purpose and not for passing time. When this screen time rises in your daily routine you end up glazing at your screen more than usual wasting your time on non-essential things which might lead you to procrastination.
  7. Not so aligned work or day: When you end up splitting your work between multiple tabs, or multiple devices, or multiple applications, it brings in mess to bring a work in an aligned manner. This happens quite often with us as we create the mess wondering it can solve the problem but in the long run managing it becomes a difficult task.
  8. Redundancy in all aspects: Most of the times you do repetitive tasks and are unaware or aware of it. You don’t want to change your way of doing work making it a mess always when things can happen in a simple smooth manner. This can cause redundancy and bring in more mess to your ongoing work.

Digital Clutter can create a havoc sometimes leading you to difficult times. A work that could have completed in minutes will take hours when digital clutter is a part of your life or daily routine. The more you let it dissolve in the more it’ll bring in unforeseen circumstances.

Do you want to let it continue?

Stop it before it clutters your mind too.



Euphoric Life

Dissolve in life and see how it paves a path towards you. In search of Self Development, Lifestyle, & Happiness?