What is a Hot Potato

The definition of the metaphor is well known. When a potato is hot, you pass it on. Fast.

5 min readMar 2, 2018

Merriam Webster definition gives another side:

A problem, situation, etc. That is difficult to deal with and causes a lot of disagreement.

Anyone who has ever worked in a marketing agency can relate to dealing with difficult situations, problems etc. But I think we must see the difference between the two types of hot potato — the real ones — real disasters that one can almost justify the passing on, and the fake ones, made up by…

It is that one person or a bunch of them that just seem to pass on every responsibility, action and decision to someone else — like a hot potato. The hot potato can end up in someone else’s hands, or just keep dangling like a loose booger. Nobody’s responsibility that becomes everybody’s problem.

The hot potato guy. That guy that just forwards the e-mail thinking the receiver will manage in reading trough the whole thread and find all the information.

Imagine the bomb is a potato. A hot one.

The hot potato girl. The girl that did not fully finish the task because she was waiting for some additional material from the colleague. The other hot potato guy. The guy that never fully understood the responsibility of behaving like a human being, and resolves to temper tantrums when something is not done right — afterwards justifies his actions by blaming other people.

Why this “hot potato system”? Why this scheme? Inability to deal with responsibilities? Too much stress? So we “pass a hot potato” to avoid more work and stress?

These „hot potatoes“ often circulate for months without anyone even noticing them. Like orphans under no ones’ care — the tasks jump from ones’ keyboard to another — making the next one responsible, and so forth.

If you think about it they’re everywhere!

„Hey Tom — why is this XY that you are working on, looking like this? “

Tom: „Peter did it that way/Peter told me/ No one told me different, …“ — passing the potato.

Not rising from the seat: „Hey guys, someone is at the door looking for XY!“ — passing the hot potato

Guys: *Silence*

But the minds go: „He’s gonna do it. She’s gonna do it. XY should answer…etc“ — passing the hot potato.

Take this mentality to a higher level and you get — frustration, behind the back talk and lots of job undone or done poorly.

This is not common only in rows of the „working class“ it is widespread on the clients side of the moon too. But a girl’s gotta eat— so no examples there. :D

Thinking about the other side, of this hot potatoing being a smart move — as n: I’ll save my energy and resources, so I’ll pass it on… It doesn’t work like that. Some thing should be passed on — but with consent, knowing and existence of the other person. In agreement that leaves both parties satisfied and sure that the decision is good for business. Otherwise it is a hot potato. You’re doing it sister, yeah you are! Frankly, we all done it — but some people make a living out of it.

Who wants to work like that? Taking no responsibility? It is a stinky stew of one’s own insecurities with a dash of playing the victim. We can all see it — consciously… or unconsciously.





It shows that you are not ready to bite and dive into the job and philosophy of the job. It shows lack of self-confidence, and that is maybe cute in high school — not on a job.

It is not mature. Not to say infantile, but surely in the same room with adult temper tantrums and rage outbursts.

But, there is little use of just pointing out things — What can we do?

The solution is, as always, just a goal — you must find the way and motivation.

Read this text — let it sink in, slowly let all the examples unwind in your head, and add your experiences — see the potato in all its glory, remember all the hot potatoes given to you and sent by you. Let the feeling of warm sewer of understanding surround you, think about it for a while, have a cup of tea — and starting from tomorrow repeat everyday:

No potato is too hot for me. I embrace the potato because I enjoy being a grown up in my job.

Don’t hot potato in marketing. If you want to work — do it properly.

If you don’t want to work — change jobs. Don’t be that guy/gal that makes everyone’s lives difficult.

If you think you are surrounded with idiot — leave. (I’ve just saved you lots of therapy money)

Let’s grow up. It’s time.

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My name is Ana Mesaroš — I am a person who writes and makes stuff happen. I choose to be a Happy Pig, but often fall into my Unhappy Socrates edition. Copywriter and account manager in EuroArt93, if you want to chat with me — contact me via LinkedIn.




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