EuroIA 2016: What happened on day three?

EuroIA #euroia21
4 min readSep 24, 2016


The final day Amsterdam’s Renaissance hotel

EuroIA 2016 closed with another packed day of talks, workshops, a full length design slam with Eric Reiss, Matthew Fetchko and Dorelle Rabinowitz, and a keynote from Alistair duff. And piano!

Alistair’s thought provoking, and quite challenging keynote was a great way to punctuate the three days; taking a wider lens to the idea of ‘connected things amongst us’ and considering what we might adopt as the guiding principles of a good information society. Are we failing to confront the more difficult questions that come from a seamlessly connected society?

The final day’s four workshops

Taxonomy & UX: Structuring Data to Drive Experiences
Dave Cooksey

Nadia’s sketch-note ((and Star Wars!) and Iron Man!)

Psychology of Performance or Why Performance Matters
Denys Mishunov

Denys Mishunov on the Psychology of Performance

Rapid Cross-Channel Prototyping
Andrea Resmini

Andrea explains actor networks

Design Teams is a Design Exercise: How to Build, Inspire and Keep Design Teams (Happy)
Alberta Soranzo, Martina Hodges-Schell

To ponder the post-its…

Talks in the afternoon

We saw another five talks showing very different approaches to connected IAs:

My Amsterdam
Peter Boersma

Peter Boersma explaining his Amsterdam

Moo or Boo: Insights from an Internet of Cows
Bart Hilhorst

The Ecosystem is Bigger than You!
Daniel Braithwaite, Kieron Leppard

Daniel Braithwaite and Kieron Leppard explain SapientNitro’s approach to ecosystem design

REST Interfaces to the Internet of Things
Jack Jansen, Steven Pemberton

Steven Pemberton

Switches, Keyguards, Eyegaze Trackers: Designing Device Interfaces for Extreme Accessibility
Yossi Langer

Yossi Langer shared a huge amount of learnings from this project

The Original Design Slam!

Attempting to solve an impossible design problem in 45 minutes, and pitch a solution to time-travelling(!) clients from hell. This was a great way to spend any remaining energy, with a serious challenging project, which I’m sure for a lot of people is dangerously similar to real life…

Eric Reiss’ alternate personality from the future
And they actually found a solution!
The winners of EuroIA 2016 Design Slam

Keynote: Alistair Duff on Building the Good Information Society

Alistair introduces his framework for a good information society

Alistair Duff from Edinburgh Napier University closed the conference in quite a dramatic fashion, with some close-to-the-bone challenges to our current values (or lack of) in the development of future information societies.

In his framework, he proposed we pay close attention to five core principles going forward; Privacy, Leisure, Universal Access, Sustainability and Solidarity. Inge Nahuis captured these values clearly in her sketch-note:

Thankful madness

As Lutz pointed out in the 5-minute madness, an infinite amount of thanks is due to Sylvie, Konstantin and Koen for making EuroIA 2016 what it was. It was certainly one of the smoothest and strongest EuroIAs I’ve been to.

Thanks for coming up with such a strong theme, curating such a great set of speakers and workshops, and getting such a great community together in such a brilliant venue: and the vast amount of [connected] things in between :)

This year’s co-chairs: Sylvie, Konstantin and Koen

Next up: S.T.O.C.K.H.O.L.M.



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