Sex and The City: a closet like Carrie Bradshaw

Eurooo Luxury Furniture
6 min readJun 26, 2018


Can we create a real Carrie Bradshaw closet at home? Read our quick guide for true Sex and The City fans!

True fans of the show Sex and The City must know that this week an important anniversary occurred: exactly 20 years ago, the very first episode aired on TV. Since then, Carrie Bradsaw and her friends made us dream about their fabulous outfits. Every one of us longs to be like them, to have those stylish shoes and fashionable clothes, and most of all, we all want Carries’ walk in closet in our homes! Dresses, coats, shoes, suits, blouses, gym clothes, evening wear… how can we organize all of our clothes with functionality and style? We all want to express the Carrie Bradshaw that lives in us — and that tells us that, yes, we really need to buy that new skirt, and oh yes, we can’t live without that new pair of boots — but are we able to put up to our own expectation? All fashion addicted and shopping maniacs face, sooner or later, the problem of needing a big closet, and most importantly, an well organized one. Don’t worry, we will save you from the chaos and disorganization! For a true Carrie Bradshaw life, it takes a real Sex and The City wardrobe, and here we will give some useful tips that Carrie would appreciate. Oh, and one more thing: this article don’t only concern women; men, the time will come when you too will move in with your significant other, and, believe us, she will need a satisfying closet!

This closet by Rampoldi Casa is everything you’ve always dreamed of, isn’t it?

A tailor made project

This is the first and most important tip we will give you. The best closets are customizable and tailor made specifically for your needs, for the size of your room, even for what kind of clothes you like best. This is true more than ever for the walk-in closets, with direct access to the bedroom, and the wardrobes that are separated from the sleeping area by a wall or another kind of partition. These types of design assume the choice of supports, such as bars, finishes and accessories. When the space available is not large, sliding doors can be the perfect solutions for a closet: an opaque material or a colored glass will hide the inside of the wardrobe with a charming effect. If you are naturally a tidy person, you can always go minimal: leave your closet open, and choose a wardrobe with no doors at all, and your stylish Sex and The City clothes will be the best decoration piece.

Even a real Newyorker would love a closet by Poliform.

Choose the right light design

One would not immediately think about it, but lighting a fundamental element in a wardrobe, and even more in a walk-in closet. Carrie Bradshaw surely knew that all of her beautiful clothes deserved to shine in a perfect light, to be enjoyed in all of their beauty and fashionable elegance. So, what is the best way to approach the perfect walk-in closet? To spend time and care not only for the arrangement of vertical and horizontal elements, such as shelves and poles for your clothes, but also to the choice of an integrated lighting system. The sole central ambient light will not able to ensure the optimal visibility: wardrobe are usually pretty dark inside, especially if you consider the back part of all the drawers and shelves. Wall lights and appliques will be the perfect choice, and they will also allow you to create geometrical light games, especially if you are decorating a walk-in closet.

Take a look at the other lighting design by And/Costa.

Be flexible

Every woman longs to live a Sex and The City life, but not all of us have Carry Bradshaw’s apartment in Manhattan. Maybe our home is not big enough for a high-end walk-in closet, or the way our apartment is organized doesn’t allow it. So, before you bit off more than you can chew, take in consideration the dimension of the room you want to put your fabulous closet in. But don’t worry: maybe you can’t have a huge walk-in closet, but your wardrobe can be just as marvelous as Carrie’s. For bedroom that is not too large, you could think of free standing shelves, instead of a traditional closet. The final result will be unique, original, and very cool looking.

How do you like this design creation by Pianca?

Closet or dressing room?

In the design stages of the perfect walk-in closet, it is worth it to think about how to exploit this area at its best, expanding its the function. Especially if the walk-in wardrobe is right next to the bedroom, why not making it a changing room too? After all, a walk-in closet is nothing but an independent room, so let us take advantage of all of its potential. Why should it only store and contain clothes and shoes, when it can also be the place where we change for every occasion of each day, or where we try our latest shopping plunder on?

Even Carrie herself would go crazy about this dressing room closet by Bel Mondo.


A perfect fashion look is not complete until you choose the right accessories for it: a nice purse is always indispensable, high hills shoes are every woman’s best friends, and you can always use some jewelry to exalt the beauty of your outfit. The same is true for interior design, even for a closet! Like the internal lighting system, the presence of accessories also contributes to make the walk-in wardrobe really in line with our Carrie Bradshaw expectations. This is our fifth and last tip for you: accessorize your walk-in closet as you would do with a look for a night out, emphasize its design, beauty and functionality. Simply by adding an interesting detail like a pouf, to sit on while you put your favorite shoes on, a carpet for your private fashion défilé, or a mirror to check the last details of your outfit, you will make your wardrobe more stylish, practical and cool.

These poufs by MC Martinez Cadrona are so lovely and elegant.

