Moth-geddon & Lavender Trojan Horses

Sophia Exintaris
4 min readDec 11, 2019


TLDR: I bought lavender sachets to protect my woollens, and the sachets CONTAINED moths, causing several thousand GBP worth of damage.
Vendor is requesting photos, Amazon blocks any emails I send with photos. So I am posting this publicly for them to be able to access.

I own a lot of wool and cashmere because I get cold.

Earlier this year, I bought a batch of lavender sachets from amazon to protect my jumpers, dresses, cardigans and other garments from moths.

I bought these Natural Lavender Sachets, that are listed as MOTH REPELLENT.


Turns out they CONTAINED MOTHS!!!

The hungry devils ate their way out of the bags, and devoured my closet!

It’s really gross.

Anything the bags were next to, was eaten.

My biggest loss is an Alexander McQueen dress that I love, and which alone retailed for more than £1000. 😭

Moth damage

But that approach is not always possible… say on maxi-cardigans…

Where the holeS are below the butt, and the size of your palm.

The moths from the lavender bags destroyed one Alexander McQueen dress, two cardigans from uniqlo (one wool, one cashmere) and six jumpers (2 wool, 4 cashmere).

I know they came from the bags because only things in contact with the bags were eaten!!!!

Then I contacted the vendor to see what they proposed to do. Perhaps they could stop selling the weapons of wool & cashmere destruction?

December 9th

They asked me for photos.

So I replied with photos… and got this from amazon. It BLOCKED my reply with photos.

I told the vendor.

They replied.

Please add the photo to the attachment, then click send, thank you!
Kind regards!

Like I’ve never sent an email with a photo attached before…

So I did that again.

I got blocked again.

I told them again. And this time included a link to an evernote with all the photos.

December 12

They replied.

Sorry we could not view the link because it was blocked by Amazon.
Please see the attachment , attach photos to the attachment then click ,thank you !

I think the team cannot understand what “Amazon is blocking my email with photos” means, or how to circumvent it.

So here you go, team at KOOLTI. (that’ll be my next email in a couple of minutes, with a link to the public URL of this story)

I hope you can see the photos now! They are ON THE INTERNET.

December 13th.

The saga continues.

Hello , Sorry we still don’t see any pictures and links. The links you sent have been removed by Amazon. You can view the attachments. Please attach photos to the attachment, each of our customers can send pictures by adding to the attachment.



Sophia Exintaris

User Experience Architect in London. Enjoys working with developers and other humans. @eurydice13 online.