All You Need to Know About Concussion

Eustache Institute
3 min readSep 11, 2018


Mild traumatic brain injury is reportedly known as concussion. This affects the normal functioning of the brain. Temporary effects of the condition are characterized by headaches, blurry vision, nausea, sleep disturbances, problems with coordination, balance, memory and concentration. Mood swings are also common in this case.

Concussions are generally the after effect of a blow to the head or a violent shaking of the upper body. It is reported that athletes who are a part of contact sports like boxing, football, etc. often lose their consciousness due to a concussion. However, a concussion is not highly fatal, it is recoverable in most cases.

Causes of Concussion

The brain is often regarded as the most delicate part of the human body. The cerebrospinal fluid offers it the resisting bed for regular jolts and bumps. Now, if a sudden blow hits the head or neck region, there can be sudden forward and backward movement. This can result in brain injury. Even in a car crash when the car comes to halt suddenly and one’s head bangs against the window or front end, an internal head injury may occur alongside external injury.

Blows to the brain can affect the brain, either temporarily or longer, depending on the severity. Bleeding can also occur in and around the brain and one may feel drowsy as a result. To avoid fatal consequences one may seek emergency care in the hours later.

How Would One Recognize A Concussion?

According to the Institute of Neurofeedback, the signs of concussion might be subtle but not something one would not realize or totally go ignored. Signs show up almost immediately and can even last for days, weeks or more.

Immediate effects of a traumatic brain injury are a headache, confusion, followed by temporary memory loss. Take a person to the doctor immediately if you see one suffering with the following symptoms:

· Repeated vomiting

· Unbearable headache

· Temporary loss of consciousness

· Amnesia

· Fatigue

· Dizziness

A concussion patient may also face disorders with sleep, smell and taste with time. Some may grow sensitive to light and noise, may face depression issues, psychological adjustment problems and difficulty to concentrate, etc.

Children have weaker bone structures than adults and are thus more prone to head trauma. If it is a toddler, recognizing the concussion symptoms might be a matter of concern. Appearing dazed, excessive crying, irritability and crankiness, easy tiring, unsteady walking maybe some of the hints.

As per Neurofeedback for Athletes no matter how minor a head injury is one must visit a doctor as immediately as possible, that is within 1 or 2 days. If symptoms like repeated vomiting, terrible headache, loss of consciousness (that persists more than 30 secs), slurred speech persist one should seek emergency care.

Precautions to Be Maintained

· Protective gears should always be worn while playing any kind of recreational sports.

· While in a car, seat belts should never be ignored. This can keep one safe from traffic injuries.

· Install safety guards in and around your home to prevent head injury for your toddlers.

· Children under 18 years should be thoroughly evaluated by trained healthcare professionals.

· Athletes should not return to play while the signs are still persistent.

