Political Briefing #94/2016

Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2016


The rise of far-right populist parties in Europe is becoming one of the main concerns of European politicians and institutions. On Thursday, the former President of the European Central Bank (ECB), Jean-Claude Trichet, said that the election of Donald Trump in the US signalled rising frustration among the population of industrialized countries. Trichet claimed that the increasing success of far-right parties is linked to the stagnation of living condition of the middle class all over Europe. However, the former President of the ECB specified that the European political class and mainstream parties have the tools to tackle this political trend. Notwithstanding the rising criticism voiced by European citizens, Trichet said as well that he has full trust in the Euro. Likewise, the German Minister of Foreign Affairs, Walter Steinmeier, called for institutions and politicians to consider Donald Trump’s election and Brexit as warning signals.

In the frame of the European Semester governance process, discussions on budgetary issues are gaining new prominence. Indeed, according to many European experts, the European Commission will have take a softer stance on budgetary breaches by EU Member States in 2017. The EC’s new strategy could be aimed at hindering further successes of populist parties. On Wednesday, the European Commission admitted that Italy is unlikely to face economic sanctions although a deficit breach is foreseen for 2017. European Commissioner, Pierre Moscovici, argued that the EC will take into considerations the increased need for investments linked to the earthquakes that hit the Southern country over the last months. Similarly, the EC seems to be willing to let of the hook Spain and Portugal. Earlier this year, the European Commission warned that it could suspend the structural funds foreseen for the two countries.

Discussions related to the Brexit scenario continue to make the headlines in the UK and across Europe. On Thursday, the Home Affairs Committee released the conclusions of an inquiry into the rise of hate crimes in the UK after the referendum of last June. The Committee claimed that Brexit campaigners intentionally aimed at polarising the debate before the elections “creating an atmosphere where fact didn’t matter”, The Independent reports. Meanwhile, on occasion of a visit to London, the President of the Eurogroup, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, claimed that Brexit negotiations will last more than two years. Moreover, Dijsselbloem blamed Boris Johnson for holding an unrealistic vision for UK’s exit from the EU. Earlier this week, Johnson claimed that the UK will maintain access to the European Single Market, while blocking free movement to its country. Similarly, Carlo Calenda, the Italian Minster of Economic Development, blasted the UK government on Thursday. Calenda said that the UK government needs to explain to the other EU member states how Brexit negotiations will procede.


“These crisis should not detract us from continuing the European agenda and project, but rather provide a window of opportunity to build a stronger, more competitive and social Europe”

Ian Borg, Parliamentary Secretary for the EU of Malta

Source: Euractiv, 16.11.2016



The amount of euros, extra-EU tourists could be asked to pay for visiting Europe, according to a new plan proposed by the European Commission

Source, Ekathimerini, 16.11.2016


The percentage of children aged up to 17, at risk of poverty in Greece in 2015

Source: Ekathimerini, 16.11.2016

Photo Credits CC John Keenan

Originally published at EuVisions.




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