EVAIO featured in Toutiao

1 min readNov 13, 2018


Breaking news! EVAIO was featured in toutiao.com, a top news and information content platform in China. Here is the link to the article (in Chinese): https://www.toutiao.com/i6623128532803387912

According to the report, EVAIO has contacted Faraday Future (FF) and Stifel, an American investment bank, and intends to invest a total of 900 million USD in FF through STO in the next 3 years. FF has appointed Stifel as its financing consultant, which is likely to be the IPO service provider for FF in year 2020.

EVAIO is a decentralized electric vehicle application platform. Vehicles with EVAIO software will be able to trade Vehicle-generated data to blockchain automatically, which will make vehicle owners benefit from it directly.




A decentralized platform designed for EVs on which you can monetize car data. Started by former Tesla Europe leaders.