Train your AI with custom data via Gerwin AI

Eva Pinknet
3 min readDec 28, 2023


Forget the hassle of AI ignorance about your company or products. Just feed Gerwin the details, and it’ll adapt using your info. This leap is thanks to Gerwin AI’s latest feature — the knowledge base. Let’s quickly unpack how this personalizes content and elevates copywriting.

Gerwin AI service, active since May 2022, has seen its share of critiques. It’s important to clarify that these criticisms are generally aimed at AI-generated texts as a whole, not specifically at our platform. While some of the feedback was justified due to issues like outdated information and a lack of local business insights, it’s a broader industry challenge.

Writing on broad topics came easy to you, but delving into specifics was tough. General car-sharing articles were a breeze, but tailored content for a particular brand led to frustration and discarded drafts. Knowledge base

With our latest update, we’ve introduced a solution to permanently erase the mentioned issues. Ensure to upload pertinent data, considering specifics such as location, products, services, and their pricing. This tool serves every business, allowing the addition of their information and daily generation of pertinent content for diverse needs, including social media, press releases, website content, and ad creation.

For «VORON» car-sharing, the AI tailors content to highlight their specific services, not car-sharing as a whole. It ensures the fleet and app updates are featured. Conversely, «At Natalia’s» cafe, the focus is on their cinnamon buns in Moscow, at the intersection of Pavletskaya and Zamoskvoretskaya, priced at 233 rubles, with discounts on bulk orders of 10 or more.

Currently, our team has released a beta tool with some limitations. However, we’re committed to expanding this area as we believe it’s the perfect solution for savvy users, addressing both SEO and daily marketing needs.

Utilize this tool effortlessly. Opt for a source like Text, files, a Telegram channel, a VK group, or a website page. Safely upload your content and enable text generation with the «use knowledge base» feature. For a quick grasp, watch a three-minute tutorial narrated by Alexander Krapinevich, the craftsman familiar to «Mood Workshop» viewers: [video link here].

Here are two illustrative examples: — Small Business News Release: — Product Management:Epilogue: Will AI Replace Copywriters The narrative that AI can’t replace copywriters is becoming laughably outdated. Indeed, AI is already taking over quite effectively.

Market trends show that while SEO copywriting prices have dropped, the cost of influencer or expert-authored pieces remains high. Quality content with personal touch and audience reach retains its value. Investing in such content, you might not even realize if the writer used AI like Gervin or ChatGPT to craft most of it.

Hence, I believe we must consider entirely different queries. For instance, «How shall we cope with the rapidly increasing rate of content publication?» or «What will the internet landscape look like in five years?» Please don’t suggest simply removing AI-generated text, images, and videos from Google’s search results. It may be hard to imagine now, but trust me, time will reveal why.

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