10 Life Lessons to Remember

2 min readApr 4, 2024


It’s crucial to remember that more often than not,
people ruin their lives by what they say,
rather than what they hear.

Photo by Christina Langford-Miller on Unsplash

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  1. If You Can’t Say It To Their Face,
    Don’t Say It At All.

    Talking behind someone’s back is the worst.
    Stop the grumbling.
  2. Monopolizing Conversations Creates Enemies.
    Speak less, listen more.
    The more you listen,
    the more allies you’ll find.
  3. The Higher the Tone,
    The More Distorted the Meaning.

    Keep your cool.
    A calm voice carries strength.
  4. Steal Hearts, Not Ears, With Your Words.
    Speak words that linger in the “heart”
    rather than just sounding pleasant to the ears.
  5. Say What They Want to Hear,
    Not What You Want to Say.

    Use simple words to express your thoughts.
  6. If Praise Has Legs, Gossip Has Wings.
    Your words will always find their way.
    Shed your faults and praise often.
  7. Opt for Comfort Over Cliché.
    Make it as entertaining as a Disney movie.
  8. Speak With Your Eyes and Expressions,
    Not Just Your Tongue.

    Non-verbal cues are more powerful than verbal ones.
  9. 30 Seconds on Your Lips,
    30 Years in Their Heart.

    A single word from you can change someone’s life.
  10. I Control My Tongue,
    But My Words Control Me.

    Once words are out,
    you can’t take them back.
    Speak carefully and follow through on your words.

Communication is about listening with your ears
and speaking with your eyes.




Passionate about life's adventures. Daily diaries on joys, challenges, and everything in between. 👉 Support My Efforts! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/eva24