How to Become an Irreplaceable Content Marketer

6 min readMay 8, 2024
Photo by Diggity Marketing on Unsplash

Since the introduction of ChatGPT in November 2022, numerous generative AIs have been launched. Notably, in February of this year, OpenAI launched a video creation AI service called Sora, which surprised the world once again.

However, this wave of AI services has unsettled certain professions, particularly those dealing with content such as writers, designers, and video producers.

Content marketers, who handle various types of content like text and images, are no exception. Although the current AI services are not yet perfect enough to significantly impact their jobs, it’s expected that as AI continues to learn and improve rapidly, it could potentially replace many marketing tasks.

We explores ways to remain indispensable despite AI advancements:

Photo by Alex Lvrs on Unsplash

1. Enhancing Branding Skills

Observing recent marketing trends, it’s evident that branding is becoming increasingly important. In today’s flood of brands, understanding the role of branding and how brands are built is crucial.

Therefore, the scope of a content marketer’s job is no longer just about creating…




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