Evamena Nanna
6 min readJun 19, 2024

A Book Proposal For


How to stop being a job-quitter and get on a right path!


Evamena Nanna


Presented on

19th June 2024


‘’ I recently got hired at this company as the head of Human Resource. My first task is to look through different resumes for a job opening that’s currently available. The job opening requires dedicated long term experience. I’ve spent days combing through different applications and I find one thing common among majority of the resumes- the average duration for a job held is between 1-2 years.’’

This is the reality of most hiring managers in today’s employment world. People seem to be unable to keep a job down for long, either switching roles or transitioning into entire new jobs, incurring different experiences in an alarmingly short time. While this may look beneficial from the general picture, some people are simply doing what is commonly known as ‘’job hopping’’.

Job-hopping or simply put, changing from one job to another frequently, is a common incidence among people in today’s world. With the diversity in careers and the introduction of new spaces, it is common to see many people jump from one career to another in a bid to find their niche or sometimes a non-toxic environment that can fulfil their intellectual and financial needs. Often people mistake their reckless and ‘’often-not-thought about’’ changes in their job for a proper career change. With the introduction in new technology it has become an even more common incidence to switch jobs. New career paths may appear to be lucrative and as such a large number of people are drawn to them. Most of these people however eventually discover that they lack the passion, or technical or soft skills required for such a job. As a result, they panic or get tired and eventually leave the job searching and needy for another ‘job-high’ to quench their desires. That’s how a cycle is formed.

People need all the help they need in picking the right places that are in line with their skill sets and goals. It is difficult enough finding a career but transitioning from an unfulfilling career to one that would cater to ones needs tends to be a herculean task without the right sources. It is also a known fact that a lot of people do not realize that they are job-hopping. This book explains the difference between randomly changing jobs and actually being intentional and purpose driven about your career changes.

Why this book? An article on Forbes highlights the frequency at which people quit or change their jobs, especially in more recent times. Majority of people are of the opinion that they can easily make career decisions without help. This belief can lead to an endless cycle of quit-and-restart without purpose. Whether a consumer is just trying to find a suitable career or is transitioning into a new role or career, it is important for said consumer to know the right steps to take., and the order in which they are to take them. This book will help a consumer decide when, how and why the consumer needs to quit and if it’s even worth it to quit. This book is important because it carefully outlines the importance of attaching a reason to any job changes you might want to take.

Am I qualified to write this book? I like to see myself as a former serial job quitter. As someone who has covered various career paths, working jobs ranging from administrative duties, to laboratory science, teaching and even taking a dab in the beauty world, I like to think that I can rightly qualify as a job-hopper. Now situated in a career path with definition, I am in the perfect position to show you how I came to the knowledge that I was job-hopping and turned that into a career pathway filled with purpose.

Would this book be viable? The feasibility of this book cannot be overemphasized as there would always be an avalanche of job-hoppers, confused and eager to get it right career-wise, in any timeline of our society. This book provides solutions that are timeless and would matter even in millions of years to come. This book is also universally relatable, meaning it applies to everyone within the employability gap, irrespective of gender, race, etc. it would be beneficial across all career pathways, whether in the scientific or in the arts section. I can assure you that this book would be a major sale because it brings up the harsh but honest reality most job-hoppers don’t want to face; the fact that they are wasting their time and resources.


This book aims to help people that:

• Are tired of their current job and want to quit.

• Don’t know whether or not to actually quit.

• Are faced with multiple job offers and don’t know the right one to pick.

• Have quit their job and found themselves in a worse situation.

• Are doubtful of the growth their current job offers them.

• Faced with challenges at their job that might or might not translate into a need for a job change.

• Young people seeking to enter a field they are not entirely familiar with.

• Have a blueprint of the career path they want to follow but lack the resources to find the opportunities that fall into line.

Before making a decision to change a job or simply leave a job or career, one should carefully outline the W’s of a decent career change; ‘’why am I tired of my job?’’, ‘’what is the next step to take?’’ ‘’when is the appropriate time to make a move’’, etc. This book would point you in the direction of the right questions you should be asking while you are still employed.

In Job-hopper or Purposeful Career changer, consumers would be able to plainly identify if they are job-hopping or being purpose driven with their job changes. In addition to this, they will gain skills that would help them identify a toxic or non-beneficial work environment, understand how to peacefully cut ties with such an environment, learn the appropriate time to make a move and also get step-by-step guidelines on how to search and apply for their dream jobs. This book will also teach on how to deal with job inconsistency and how to overcome the urge to quit.

The book will also address mental issues, such as ADHD, that may predispose one to job-hop, and best ways to overcome and manage as the case may be such situations.


The audience for this book is made up of young professionals starting out their careers, eager to avoid mistakes and regrets that come with job-hopping, old professionals who might feel it’s too late to quit their jobs or don’t know how and also young people still in educational institutions anticipating a career in the nearest future.


I intend to write at least a chapter a week, (or an equivalent of 1000 words), using Microsoft word. I intend to write at my home office, as well as on my mobile at my day job.

I also intend to make use of different case scenarios as well as personal experiences to further explain ways to easily transition into different jobs relevant to your career path.

I would also introduce case study questions that would be simplified, easy to understand and explain and would be thought-provoking. These study questions would come at the end of each chapter and would serve as a kind of memory jog for the consumer as well as a preparation for the next chapter.

Another strategy I would employ is the use of simple, and easy to understand grammar when writing the book. I also intend to add a few references from various research resources that highlight career changes.

I also intend to hire a personal editor to do an initial proofreading before I hand it over to a publishing house.

I intend for the total word count of my book to be 6000 words approximately, from a cumulative of six chapters with 1000 words each, approximately.


I would prefer using a traditional medium to publish because as a writer with limited experience I would need all the guidance available and that can only come from a traditional publishing house. I do realize that I would lose my rights to this book but I desire that the book would reach distances that only a publishing house can take it and I am content in that. I’m equally aware that a publishing house would help me market sales and would do it with more efficiency than me. Hence, I would choose a traditional publishing pathway over self-publishing. Also a traditional publishing house is more appealing to me because they would be better equipped in handling marketing as they are more experienced.