Eva Batsari
3 min readSep 21, 2023


Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

Children are frequently under intense pressure to perform well in school in the modern educational environment. The expression “good pupil” has been used for a long time and is likely to continue to be used in the future. It is a paradox that illustrates how some parents define their child’s value entirely in terms of academic achievement. Is it time to reconsider this strategy and put children’s needs first instead? Education is more than simply a degree; it’s a journey of learning, development, and self-discovery. Parents have a privileged role to influence how their kids think about learning and how they should feel about themselves. As a result, they can emphasize the complexity of their talents and increase their kids’ comfort and confidence in the classroom rather than only concentrating on how to make them “good learners” This article explores strategies to replace pressure with support, emphasizing how to help kids grow as people regardless of how well they succeed in school. Beyond the idea of just being “good students,” it also emphasizes the role of parents, discussing tactics they may take to help their children develop as joyful, self-assured, and resilient learners.


There are numerous and complex reasons why some parents subject their kids to the pressure and expectations of academic success. The social appraisal of kids and their families is thought to be significantly influenced by their academic success in various civilizations. In order to live up to social standards, parents feel obligated to demonstrate their children’s accomplishments. Additionally, some parents could have had academic difficulties in the past and are attempting to prevent their children from having them by emphasizing their children’s outstanding grades. Competition is a significant issue in many societies that may lead some parents to assume that strong academic performance is required to stand out and succeed.

The role of parents is to support, encourage and guide their children, recognizing their unique needs. Children should be able to discover and grow their confidence in a secure atmosphere that is created by parents. Along with fostering self-expression and experimentation, they should also emphasize the value of learning for one’s own sake rather than only for academic advancement. This will help to foster an environment where kids can pursue their interests and learn about new things. Parents can support their children in facing difficulties and failures with courage and patience by encouraging their sense of self-worth. It’s critical to keep lines of communication open with kids, to hear their goals and worries, and to offer guidance and solutions. Finally, regardless of the outcome, parents should reward and promote effort and improvement. Parents may provide their kids a good school experience by putting forth the time and commitment necessary. They can encourage their children to succeed through effort and initiative, creating a positive school experience for them.


Often, parents who put their kids under this kind of pressure don’t understand what it causes in their children’s psychology, so they don’t look for ways to cope with the behavior. However, there are several methods that can assist in establishing a balanced and healthy environment for children. Some strategies include:

· Interacting with one another, talking about the demands on oneself, and giving them space to express their emotions

· Mentoring, promoting the growth of self-esteem and confidence, and emphasizing the individual’s skills and interests

· Setting reasonable expectations, recognizing children’s potential, and avoiding unneeded pressure

· A focus on effort, urging kids to maximize their efforts and cultivate strong study habits regardless of grade outcomes



Eva Batsari

This account focuses on articles regarding common parenting concerns