Climate Anxiety is for Morons and Makes Nations Collapse

How to conserve the conservative elite?

Eva De Vor
6 min readMay 16, 2023

According to some, women should have (more) babies, as fewer children are born each year worldwide. The woman as a birthing machine?

In the year 2020, 1.8% of the world’s population gave birth to a child. In 2000, it was 2.2%. Whatever the reasons, any decision not to have children is thought by many to be selfish. Whereas, you either desire to have children or you don’t. There is little you can do about that. If you don’t have that primal desire, it’s better not to have children, is my reasoning — assuming you have a choice.

Gilead light

But from time to time the question arises, as to whether remaining childless intentionally is selfish. And no, not because of comments or questions from people I meet for the first time. But those of conservative-right and religious voices who advocate strict regulations on abortion and scorn the immoral world of politics and media.

Some of them would be quite at home in Gilead, the fictional, merciless ultra-Christian dictatorship from Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel The Handmaid’s Tale. It will never be admitted, but at night they dream of a Gilead light. ‘Light’ because, after all, as a woman you want be able to read God’s word without…



Eva De Vor

🇳🇱 ex-legal counsel goes green on rural Mallorca. Writes about climate action, sustainable living, nature, politics, (non) human rights.