Guide to DeFi asset tokenization

2 min readApr 3, 2023

DeFi, or decentralized finance, is a growing movement that seeks to create a transparent, and accessible financial system leveraging blockchain technology. Since DeFi provides more accessible and open financial services to a global audience, it has the potential to disrupt traditional finance .

Here are some statistics about the current state of DeFi:

  • The growth of DeFi has been explosive in recent years. In early 2020, the Total Value Locked (TVL) in DeFi was just $600 million USD. By Feb 2023, it touched over $50 billion USD .
  • Ethereum is currently the most popular blockchain for DeFi development, with over 80% of DeFi protocols built on the Ethereum network.
  • Decentralized exchanges (DEXs), lending and borrowing platforms, and synthetic asset platforms are some of the most popular DeFi applications

What is DeFi Asset Tokenization?

In the crypto world, DeFi asset tokenization refers to the process of creating a digital token that represents utility, asset, or security. It is the process of converting the ownership of an asset into digital tokens that are stored on a blockchain. Assets can be anything- real estate, stocks, or artwork. Tokens represent fractional ownership of the asset and they can be traded, bought, and sold on a blockchain platform.

These tokens can be traded, held, or transferred like any other cryptocurrency, but they are also backed by an underlying asset or represent a specific use case within a blockchain-based ecosystem.

There are different types of tokens that can be created through DeFi asset tokenization, including:

  • Security tokens
  • Utility tokens
  • Asset-backed tokens

Tokenization has the potential to bring a range of benefits to the crypto world; it will help in increasing liquidity……read full article at

Benefits of Asset tokenization

DeFi Asset tokenization brings several benefits, including:

  • Increased Liquidity
  • Global access

Real-World Use Cases of Asset Tokenization

Asset tokenization has numerous real-world use cases in a variety of industries. Here are some examples:

  • Real Estate
  • Commodities
  • Property
  • Debt Instruments

Key Steps to Asset Tokenization in the DeFi Space

Here are the key steps to asset tokenization in the DeFi space:

  1. Asset Selection
  2. Smart Contract Development
  3. Secondary Market Trading

Final Words

Asset tokenization has the potential to revolutionize many industries by providing greater efficiency, accessibility, and liquidity. As blockchain technology continues to evolve and become more widely adopted, we will witness the emergence of more real-world use cases for asset tokenization. Are you looking for an experienced Defi Development Company for DeFi asset tokenization? Get in touch with Antier!

Originally published at on April 3, 2023.




Antier is a DeFi Platform Development company that can assist start-ups and entrepreneurs in developing their own DeFi platform. Call us: +91 9878362625