Materialism vs spiritualism: which is the true path?

4 min readMar 27, 2022

There are two ways that people approach life: materialism and spiritualism. Materialism is based on the belief that the only thing that matters in life is the physical world and what we can see and touch. Spiritualism, on the other hand, is based on the belief that there is more to life than just the physical world and that we are all connected to a larger power or force. Spirituality and religion share a dependent logic as do Materialism and atheism. Every logical and intellectual person walks down this road eventually. In a way we should question our religions ask why and what for? This isn’t 5th century Rome anymore man. Make some noise. Even if your parents are Atheist question it. You’ll find one giant commonality people are just trying to make sense of this world and its mechanics.

The Cardinal tenet of Materialism is “Everything that is, is material”. Materialism is the philosophical view that physical matter is the only reality. In other words, everything that exists can be reduced to physical substances and events. This includes mental states and consciousness. Materialists typically believe that the mind is nothing more than the product of chemical reactions in the brain.

Some materialists also argue that there is no such thing as free will, since all our actions are determined by the laws of physics. Others claim that we can still be morally responsible for our actions, even if they are predetermined. Another reason Materialism is so popular is due to the way it fits in the picture with the way that science explains the world.

Materialism laid the ground work for what would eventually become all scientific forms of thinking and thought. Wonderous human innovations have sprang forth from science and technology. Because of that we have an infrastructure for sharing information at what would of once be considered an unfathomable rate. We have the lowest infant mortality rates ever along side growing expendable income rates in third world countries. We are on the edge of becoming an interplanetary species. For all of the miracles of modernity we must also except the accept it’s curses.

In America, we are constantly bombarded with advertisements and messages promoting materialism. We are told that if we have enough money, possessions, and status then we will be happy and fulfilled. But is this really true?

The curse of materialism has been named after the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche who said that “the greatest evil is not to want too much but to want too little.” Materialism leads to emptiness, a feeling of being unfulfilled. People become slaves to their possessions and their egos instead of living their lives fully. This can lead to depression, anxiety, and even suicide.

Materialism isn’t the only problem though. It’s also responsible for environmental destruction and social injustice. We’re taught to focus on our own needs instead of those of others which causes us to consume more than we need.

Spiritualism is a religious philosophy that emphasizes the interconnectedness of all life. It believes that we are all spiritual beings having a physical experience and that our thoughts and actions have an impact on the world around us. Spiritualism also teaches that we can connect with the spiritual realm to gain guidance and support.

For many people, spiritualism provides a way to find meaning in life. It gives them a sense of connection to something larger than themselves and helps them feel supported in difficult times. Spiritualism can also provide a sense of purpose and direction, leading people to act for the greater good.

There is a big difference between materialism and spiritualism. Materialism is all about the physical world and what we can see and touch. It’s about having things and acquiring more possessions. Spiritualism, on the other hand, is about our perspective and experience. It’s about the journey, not the destination. It’s about growth and learning, not just accumulating things. Materialism is focused on the outside world, while spiritualism is focused on the inside world. Materialism is based on what we can see and touch, while spiritualism is based on our inner feelings and intuition. Materialism looks at life on the surface, while spiritualism is a deep way of looking at life.

Spirituality is often seen as the antithesis of materialism, with its focus on altruism and connection to something greater than ourselves. But is spirituality really more selfless than materialism? Or is it just that our egos are more easily satisfied by spiritual pursuits?

Materialism, with its focus on acquiring wealth and possessions, may seem inherently selfish. But in fact, it can be just as selfless as spirituality. Materialists can be driven by a desire to improve their lives and the lives of those around them. They can be creative and innovative, working hard to create new products and technologies that make life better for everyone.

Which perspective is more beneficial for mankind in the long run? That’s difficult to say. Both spirituality and materialism have their pros and cons.

In conclusion, both materialism and spirituality have benefits for mankind. However, it is ultimately up to each individual to decide which path they want to take. Some people may find that a mix of the two works best for them, while others may prefer to stick to one or the other. No matter what path someone chooses, it is important to remember that both have the potential to help us grow as individuals and make the world a better place.



MythicPilgrim is a blog about mythology, psychology, and philosophy. We explore the ways that these three disciplines intersect.