How Brands Drive In-Store Traffic and Reward Consumers

Evan McDonald
3 min readFeb 11, 2018


According to CNBC, Black Friday store traffic dropped year over year by 1.6% in 2017. With declining in-store traffic and rise of Amazon and online retailers, what are brands and retailers doing to drive in-store traffic in the future?

One component of the strategy is advertising. The challenge is advertisers lost as much as $16.4 billion to online advertising fraud in 2017 due to tricks like pixel stuffing, ad stacking, and bots. What’s more, 78% of US online advertising is going to Google and Facebook. In short, today $170 billion is consumed by advertising intermediaries and the consumer doesn’t get a penny.

What if advertisers could directly engage with consumers and reward them for visiting a store, making purchases, and more? Enter RLClub and RLCoin.

RLCoin ( is the currency of RLClub (, a vibrant marTech solution established with 5 partners and 250+ brands in Europe and Asia, connecting millions of consumers. Based on blockchain, RLCoin brings trust and transparency to this mobile engagement platform.

RLClub develops white labeled mobile apps for partners (e.g. telecoms, malls, banks, and eSports communities) that rewards their consumers for brand engagement and shopping. When consumers interact with brands they like, they earn RLCoin which can be redeemed for rewards amounting to as much as $30/month.

Consumers earn RLCoin for brand engagement and in-store traffic.

Brands and retailers can engage with consumers directly via white-label RLClub apps, without intermediaries. They market special offers and pay for walk ins, barcode scans (for target products), purchases & receipts, social media visits, and surveys.

Here are some stats on the platform:

· Active users spend 2 hours in the apps per month

· The average duration between purchases is 11 days

· Active users complete 23 brand interactions per month

· Return on ad spend (RoAS) is 3,300%, on average

RLClub represents a win-win-win value proposition for consumers / users, brands, and partners. Consumers win by learning about special offers and getting rewards for shopping. Brands win as they gain measurable direct interactions, in-store foot traffic, and incremental sales. And partners win as they earn a portion of ad revenue and see a lift in spending on their services.

This solution “gamifies” shopping while promoting special offers and delivering meaningful rewards that enthuse millennial women shoppers. It provides transparency to mobile engagement and drives in-store traffic.

