Android TDD Part 9— UI Test: Espresso

Evan Chen
3 min readJul 30, 2020


Running UI tests take more time than unit tests, but we still need it. Espresso is an Android UI test framework. you can get a view by id or text, then click a button or type data in an EditText to verify behavior is correct.

Find a view

Finding a view by its id

onView(withId("Some Text"))

Finding a view by matching a text.

onView(withText("Some text")).check(matches(isDisplayed()))

Clicking a view by its id


Espresso dependencies

Add the following dependencies on app’s build.gradle file.

dependencies {
androidTestImplementation ''
androidTestImplementation ''
androidTestImplementation ''

Write UI test

Use previous sample: sing up.UI test is located at androidTest just like the Instrumented test. Create a RegisterTest class.

@LargeTest annotation indicates that the test duration can be more than 1 second.

class RegisterTest {


To test MainActivity, use ActivityTestRule to get an Activity instance.

class RegisterTest {
var activityActivityTestRule
= ActivityTestRule(

Write a UI test for register success:

  1. Type a123456789 on loginId.
  2. Type a111111111 on password.
  3. Click the send button.
  4. Verify contains a text “Sign Up Success” on view.
fun rightPassword_should_startActivity() {

//type "a123456789" on loginId
, ViewActions.closeSoftKeyboard())

//type "a111111111" on password
, ViewActions.closeSoftKeyboard())
//click send button
//verify screen should display "Sign Up Success"
onView(withText("Sign Up Success"))

Click the green triangle to run the test. You’ll see the emulator is running test.

Typing the wrong password should alert.

fun wrongPassword_should_alert() {

//type login id
, ViewActions.closeSoftKeyboard())
//type password
, ViewActions.closeSoftKeyboard())
//click send button

//register fail should alert

Run the test and pass it.

Let’s refactor the code. The flowering codes show how to type a123456789 on loginId and type a111111111 on password.

fun rightPassword_should_startActivity() {
onView(withId("a123456789"), ViewActions.closeSoftKeyboard())
onView(withId("a111111111"), ViewActions.closeSoftKeyboard()) ...

Extract these two lines of codes to the inputRightRegisterData method. In this test case, we only need to know typing right id and password should start an Activity, the detail should be encapsulation.

fun rightPassword_should_startActivity() {

Same as wrong password tests case.

fun wrongPassword_should_alert() {



Next: Android TDD Part 10 — Robolectric

