A Critical Analysis of Vladimir Putin’s Leadership

Evan Kwsky
5 min readJun 27, 2024


Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks to senior news leaders of international news agencies on June 5, 2024. (Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

Vladimir Putin’s leadership has been admirable but is quickly becoming abysmal. He knows how to say all the right things. His presence of mind and articulation are precise and knowledgeable, yet he is lacking the action necessary to make Russia a formidable world power.

Unfulfilled Promises and Empty Rhetoric

Putin has promised to defend his people. He says Russia will respond to Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory. Last Wednesday, at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), Putin said that Russia will build up air defenses along the borders to help prevent these attacks. And yes, we have seen endless reports of Russia retaliating against Ukrainian military targets and defending the border. But he has made similar statements like this before. When will we see the results?

Ukrainian strikes are intensifying along the border regions and now within the annexed regions as well. These attacks are destroying civilian structures — residential housing, community centers, and more. The worst of these attacks have not only damaged infrastructure, but also wounded and killed civilians. Last week’s strikes in Kherson and Lugansk were particularly tragic, dozens of civilians were wounded or killed, including children.

How long must the people of Russia endure these attacks? How long will Putin allow his people to be targets? This is a dire reflection on Putin’s handling of the situation. He can sit in Moscow and eat on silver platters in peace while the people huddle, fearful of the next strike. Talk is not good enough. Strikes against the military and energy infrastructure are not good enough. If so many strikes against these targets have been accomplished, how is it that the Ukrainian military is still standing?

A complete decimation of Ukrainian opposition is required, so the people of Russia can live in peace. Ukrainian forces and their NATO sponsors should tremble in fear to even strike an ant hill on Russian territory. During the days of Brezhnev and Kosygin the US and Western forces did not dare. The disparity between Putin’s words and actions is creating a growing skepticism about his true intentions and capabilities. A great leader provides protection, security, and prosperity for his people. Obviously, Putin’s grip on greatness is slipping.

Rising Injustice and Imperialism

Russia is not the only country being affected by poor leadership. Other nations have also seen a drastic rise of injustice and imperialist oppression. We have seen a complete dismantling of moral and ethical standards across the globe. Human and civil rights are being violated without a second thought. Political repression is running rampant. And sovereign nations are being pressured and dictated to at the whim of Western powers.

This global instability is forcing many countries to choose sides; the side of sovereignty and moral authority, or the side of degeneracy and Western interests. We see this in the rise of countries like Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. These countries have declared cultural preservation and values. They are resisting Western influence and control and because of this they have become targets of the West.

Nostalgia for Soviet-Era Leadership

It is because of Russia’s historical resistance to Western imperialism that makes Putin’s empty rhetoric so concerning. He is acting like a big rooster, with the ability to attack at will, but at the end of the day is all strut and no action. Ironically, Putin himself referenced a rooster during his recent talks at the SPIEF when responding to a statement regarding Russia’s economic model, that the government did not start doing anything until the rooster crowed. Putin replied, “we will eat the rooster, because it is not doing its job anyway. What do we need such a rooster for?” While this article does not concern economic growth, Putin’s statement could be viewed as prediction of his own fate.

Russia needs a leader with the kind of power which former Soviet leaders such as Brezhnev and Kosygin held. Western powers quaked when they opened their mouths. They spoke with authority and conviction, warning the United States and others they had better not get out of line, otherwise there would be hell to pay. There were no second chances. The West knew if they acted, retaliation would be swift.

After all, it was in 1961, that Kennedy was sweating bullets as he announced to the US, they may not make it to Christmas after the Bay of Pigs debacle. The USSR stood behind Cuba’s right to sovereignty against Western imperialist oppression and they were not shy about declaring that fact. By 1962, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, the US was terrified the USSR would retaliate with their nuclear missiles.

The world desperately needs powerful leaders like these again; those who slam their fists down in opposition to the spreading firestorm of injustice and imperialism.

Geopolitical Games

However, the West has once again raised the stakes. With their war mongering and political machinations, they have pushed us to the brink of another world war. While posturing otherwise, laying the blame always on the other, their actions are clear.

The US is steadily backing China into a corner. Encouraging both Taiwan and the Philippine’s into conflict over what are local and regional issues. If China was inciting Puerto Rico and Mexico against the US, one can only imagine the response.

Iran has been on the chopping block for decades now. Whether culturally or economically, the US and Western powers have continuously bombarded them. Only because of their closed off nature have they thus far managed to retain control. Otherwise, they would be another Iraq, decimated by US forces, left in fear, no infrastructure, empty promises, and occupied by a foreign power.

North Korea as well, is guilty of resisting imperial oppression. The US ominously whispers in South Korea’s ear about imagined threats from North Korea. Then they stir the water with pompous military drills, reconnaissance missions, and bomber exercises against simulated North Korean targets. When North Korea retaliates with rocket tests, garbage, and spicy language, the US storms to the UN and accuses North Korea of international violations.

Furthermore, if you don’t have a country powerful enough to withstand these pressures, you end up like former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan; who has been barred from politics, jailed, humiliated and shamed.

It all started when Khan visited Russia on February 24 in 2022, the day Russia entered Ukraine. Apparently, this immediately flagged the attention of the US. On March 7, it was “suggested” to Asad Majeed, Pakistan’s then-ambassador to the US, that they needed to do something about Khan. One month after this meeting, Khan was ousted from his position by a no-confidence vote in Parliament.

“I think if a no-confidence vote against the prime minister succeeds, all will be forgiven in Washington because the Russia visit is being looked at as a decision by the prime minister. Otherwise, I think it will be tough going ahead,” Donald Lu, the Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs is alleged to have told Majeed, who sent the details of the conversation in the “cypher” to Islamabad.


In short, the world is teetering on a precipice of great change. Either we change for peace and prosperity, or we fall into a world which is morally, ethically, and economically bankrupt and at war. Thus, it has become paramount for leaders such as Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, and others to stand as pillars against the injustice and imperialist aggression of the West. If they do not, I fear the world will drown in Western debauchery.

